Salut buat fans Taiwan, meski basah kuyup karena hujan lebat mereka tetap menunggu Kim Hyun Joong. Take care yach~~
[News] Taiwan Fans Drenched In Rain To See Korean Star Kim Hyun Joong
Source: Yahoo Taiwan News
English Trans:
Pls repost with credits
Bintang Korea Kim Hyun Joong tiba di Taipei hari ini dan mengadakan fanmeeting di luar ruangan, tapi sebelum fanmeeting dimulai, ada hujan besar, menyebabkan fans dan semua kru basah kuyup kehujanan di tempat acara. Fans yang berada di tempat teduh atau yang basah kuyup karena hujan menolak untuk meninggalkan tempat dan tidak peduli karena mereka ingin melihat idola mereka, Kim Hyun Joong.
Fans, "Hujannya cukup deras!"
Mengenakan jas hujan, berpegangan pada payung mereka, hujan lebat seperti percikan air, mutiara hujan jatuh dari langit terus menerus tanpa henti, semuaorang hampir basah kuyup sampai ke kulit mereka tetapi mereka masih menolak untuk meninggalkan tempat, semua karena ingin melihat Kim Hyun Joong.
Kim Hyun Joong, "Halo semua, aku Kim Hyun Joong."
Dengan rambut keemasan, senyum memukau dan terlihat gagah, Kim Hyun Joong muncul, seharusnya fanmeeting dmulai pukul 3 sorenamun karena hujan lebat ditunda sampai satu jam kemudian. Penyelenggara mempercepat acara, Kim Hyun Joong mengubah hi5 hanya menjadi jabat tangan 3 detik, agar fans yang basah kuyup segera meninggalkan tempat tersebut. Namun, mereka bersedia basah-basahan untuk melihat idola mereka.
Fans, "Hujannya cukup deras!"
Mengenakan jas hujan, berpegangan pada payung mereka, hujan lebat seperti percikan air, mutiara hujan jatuh dari langit terus menerus tanpa henti, semuaorang hampir basah kuyup sampai ke kulit mereka tetapi mereka masih menolak untuk meninggalkan tempat, semua karena ingin melihat Kim Hyun Joong.
Kim Hyun Joong, "Halo semua, aku Kim Hyun Joong."
Dengan rambut keemasan, senyum memukau dan terlihat gagah, Kim Hyun Joong muncul, seharusnya fanmeeting dmulai pukul 3 sorenamun karena hujan lebat ditunda sampai satu jam kemudian. Penyelenggara mempercepat acara, Kim Hyun Joong mengubah hi5 hanya menjadi jabat tangan 3 detik, agar fans yang basah kuyup segera meninggalkan tempat tersebut. Namun, mereka bersedia basah-basahan untuk melihat idola mereka.
Fans, "Walaupun hujan sangat deras, dia masih sangat bagus."
Wartawan, "Mengapa kalian menyukainya?"
Fans, "Karena lagu-lagunya sangat bagus, dia juga tampan."
Di luar tempat acara, bahkan ada fans yang menangis meski basah kuyup kehujanan, pandangan mata tak pernah berpaling darinya satu detik pun, tidak peduli mereka sendiri basah kuyup karena tidak bisa menahan untuk melihat idola mereka.
Wartawan, "Kim Hyun Joong tidak basah, jangan khawatir."
Fans, "Di tempat nomor 1, dia tidak boleh terkena hujan."
Ada 500 fans di tempat acara jabat tangan, sementara 300 sampai 400 fans di luar, semuanya hampir ada 1000 fans basah kuyup dalam hujan, berpegangan pada payung dalam jas hujan kuning kecil mereka, tidak peduli seberapa basah mereka, mereka masih mau dan ingin menunggu sampai idola mereka datang. Ini benar-benar membuat semua orang mengerti tentang betapa menariknya bintang idola Korea ini.
Korean star Kim Hyun Joong arrived in Taipei today and held his outdoor fanmeeting, but before the fanmeeting start, there was a huge downpour, causing the fans and all the crew members drenched in the rain at the venue. The fans who were either in the shelter or drenched in the rain refused to leave and no matter what they want to see their idol, Kim Hyun Joong.
The fans, "The rain is too heavy!"
Wearing raincoats, holding on to their umbrellas, heavy dowpour just like splashing of water, pearls of rain falling from the sky continuously without stopping, everyone is almost drenched to their skin but they still refused to leave all because of wanting to see Kim Hyun Joong.
Kim Hyun Joong, "Hello everyone, I am Kim Hyun Joong."
With his golden hair, mesmerising smile and dashing looks, Kim Hyun Joong appeared, initially the fanmeeting should start at 3pm but due to the heavy downpour it was delayed till 1 hour later. Organiser start to accelerate the process, Kim Hyun Joong changed the hi5 to only a 3sec handshake, so as to let the fans who were drenched to quickly leave the venue. However, they are willing to be wet in order to see their idol.
Fans, "Even the rain is very heavy, he is still very nice."
Reporters, "Why do you like him?"
Fans, "Cos his songs are very nice, he is good looking too."
Outside the venue, there were even fans who were crying while drenched in the rain, eyes without leaving him for 1 sec, doesnt matter that they themselves were dripping wet but cant bear to see their idols get expose to rain.
Reporters, "Kim Hyun Joong is not drenched, no worries."
Fans, "In the 1st place, he shouldnt be exposed to the rain."
There were 500 fans in the venue for the handshake event, while there were 300 to 400 fans outside looking, altogether there were almost 1000 fans drenched in the rain, holding on to umbrellas in their little yellow raincoats, no matter how drenched they are, they still willing and wanting to wait till their idol come. This really let everyone have an insight on how charming of the korean stars idols are.
Wartawan, "Mengapa kalian menyukainya?"
Fans, "Karena lagu-lagunya sangat bagus, dia juga tampan."
Di luar tempat acara, bahkan ada fans yang menangis meski basah kuyup kehujanan, pandangan mata tak pernah berpaling darinya satu detik pun, tidak peduli mereka sendiri basah kuyup karena tidak bisa menahan untuk melihat idola mereka.
Wartawan, "Kim Hyun Joong tidak basah, jangan khawatir."
Fans, "Di tempat nomor 1, dia tidak boleh terkena hujan."
Ada 500 fans di tempat acara jabat tangan, sementara 300 sampai 400 fans di luar, semuanya hampir ada 1000 fans basah kuyup dalam hujan, berpegangan pada payung dalam jas hujan kuning kecil mereka, tidak peduli seberapa basah mereka, mereka masih mau dan ingin menunggu sampai idola mereka datang. Ini benar-benar membuat semua orang mengerti tentang betapa menariknya bintang idola Korea ini.

Korean star Kim Hyun Joong arrived in Taipei today and held his outdoor fanmeeting, but before the fanmeeting start, there was a huge downpour, causing the fans and all the crew members drenched in the rain at the venue. The fans who were either in the shelter or drenched in the rain refused to leave and no matter what they want to see their idol, Kim Hyun Joong.
The fans, "The rain is too heavy!"
Wearing raincoats, holding on to their umbrellas, heavy dowpour just like splashing of water, pearls of rain falling from the sky continuously without stopping, everyone is almost drenched to their skin but they still refused to leave all because of wanting to see Kim Hyun Joong.
Kim Hyun Joong, "Hello everyone, I am Kim Hyun Joong."
With his golden hair, mesmerising smile and dashing looks, Kim Hyun Joong appeared, initially the fanmeeting should start at 3pm but due to the heavy downpour it was delayed till 1 hour later. Organiser start to accelerate the process, Kim Hyun Joong changed the hi5 to only a 3sec handshake, so as to let the fans who were drenched to quickly leave the venue. However, they are willing to be wet in order to see their idol.
Fans, "Even the rain is very heavy, he is still very nice."
Reporters, "Why do you like him?"
Fans, "Cos his songs are very nice, he is good looking too."
Outside the venue, there were even fans who were crying while drenched in the rain, eyes without leaving him for 1 sec, doesnt matter that they themselves were dripping wet but cant bear to see their idols get expose to rain.
Reporters, "Kim Hyun Joong is not drenched, no worries."
Fans, "In the 1st place, he shouldnt be exposed to the rain."
There were 500 fans in the venue for the handshake event, while there were 300 to 400 fans outside looking, altogether there were almost 1000 fans drenched in the rain, holding on to umbrellas in their little yellow raincoats, no matter how drenched they are, they still willing and wanting to wait till their idol come. This really let everyone have an insight on how charming of the korean stars idols are.
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