Credits : + (English Translation) xiaochu @

Penyanyi sekaligus aktor Kim HyunJoong telah merilis karakter resmi-nya U:ZOOSIN.
Menurut agensinya, karakter 'U:ZOOSIN' dirilis pada 30 mei sore, diciptakan dari pesan gambar Kim HyunJoong sendiri yang dia taruh di website resminya ( dan situs mobile-nya.
Agensi KeyEast yang mengembangkan karakter 'U:ZOOSIN' berkata "Ini adalah alien yang umum dilihat, jadi memberikan rasa keakraban dengan yang lain" "Selain imej karismatik yang dia tunjukkan lewat aksi panggung dan drama, karakter generasi selanjutnya ini akan mencerminkan Kim HyunJoong yang riang dan karisma 4-Dimensi, juga yang dicintai oleh orang2 segala usia dan jenis kelamin." Katanya menunjukkan harapan.
Netzen yang melihat rilisan karakter tsb merespon "Senang ada karakter yang mewakili Kim HyunJoong", "Warna bersih dan bagus ditampilan pertama", "Aku bisa merasakan karisma yang lucu", "Ini krisis bagi Presiden Bbo* kalau U:ZOOSIN muncul!" Respon baik terlihat dari pesan yang ditinggalkan untuk mengucapkan selamat atas kelahiran karakter U:ZOOSIN.
Saat ini, KeyEast menyiapkan untuk merilis bergai produk dari U:ZOOSIN seperti pakaian, alat tulis dll, bersamaan dengan comeback Kim HyunJoong bulan Juni. Produk karakter U:ZOOSIN akan dijual melalui di awal Juni bersamaan dengan perilisan album.
Sementara itu, pre-order mini album pertama Kim HyunJoong 'Break Down' menembus 70.000 copy dalam 10 hari, mendapat banyak antisipasi.
*Presiden Bbo = Bbororo (pinguin biru) yang biasanya disebut sebagai presiden Bbo.
Singer cum actor Kim HyunJoong’s official character U:ZOOSIN has been released.
According to his agency, the character ‘U:ZOOSIN’ released on 30-May afternoon is created from Kim HyunJoong’s personally drawn messages that he put up in his official homepage ( ID and mobile site.
Agency KeyEast who developed the character ‘U:ZOOSIN’ said “It is an alien that is commonly seen, so it gives the character a sense of familiarity to others” “Besides the charismatic image that he shows through performances and drama, this next-generation character will reflect Kim HyunJoong’s carefree and 4-Dimensional charisma as well as being loved by people of all ages and gender.” He said showing his anticipation.
Netizens who saw the released character responded “Happy that there is a character representing Kim HyunJoong”, “Neat colors and looks good at the first look of it”, “I can feel its cute charisma”, “It’s a crisis for President Bbo* that U:ZOOSIN has appeared!” Well response from the messages left to congratulate the birth of this character U:ZOOSIN are seen.
Currently, KeyEast is preparing for the release of various products of U:ZOOSIN such as clothes, fancy items, etc, in conjunction with Kim HyunJoong’s comeback in June. U:ZOOSIN character products will be on sale through in early June in conjunction with album release.
Meanwhile, Kim HyunJoong’s first mini album ‘Break Down’ pre-order has breakthrough 70,000 copies in 10 days, gaining lots of anticipation.
*President Bbo = Bbororo (the blue penguin) which is commonly called as president bbo
Menurut agensinya, karakter 'U:ZOOSIN' dirilis pada 30 mei sore, diciptakan dari pesan gambar Kim HyunJoong sendiri yang dia taruh di website resminya ( dan situs mobile-nya.
Agensi KeyEast yang mengembangkan karakter 'U:ZOOSIN' berkata "Ini adalah alien yang umum dilihat, jadi memberikan rasa keakraban dengan yang lain" "Selain imej karismatik yang dia tunjukkan lewat aksi panggung dan drama, karakter generasi selanjutnya ini akan mencerminkan Kim HyunJoong yang riang dan karisma 4-Dimensi, juga yang dicintai oleh orang2 segala usia dan jenis kelamin." Katanya menunjukkan harapan.
Netzen yang melihat rilisan karakter tsb merespon "Senang ada karakter yang mewakili Kim HyunJoong", "Warna bersih dan bagus ditampilan pertama", "Aku bisa merasakan karisma yang lucu", "Ini krisis bagi Presiden Bbo* kalau U:ZOOSIN muncul!" Respon baik terlihat dari pesan yang ditinggalkan untuk mengucapkan selamat atas kelahiran karakter U:ZOOSIN.
Saat ini, KeyEast menyiapkan untuk merilis bergai produk dari U:ZOOSIN seperti pakaian, alat tulis dll, bersamaan dengan comeback Kim HyunJoong bulan Juni. Produk karakter U:ZOOSIN akan dijual melalui di awal Juni bersamaan dengan perilisan album.
Sementara itu, pre-order mini album pertama Kim HyunJoong 'Break Down' menembus 70.000 copy dalam 10 hari, mendapat banyak antisipasi.
*Presiden Bbo = Bbororo (pinguin biru) yang biasanya disebut sebagai presiden Bbo.
Singer cum actor Kim HyunJoong’s official character U:ZOOSIN has been released.
According to his agency, the character ‘U:ZOOSIN’ released on 30-May afternoon is created from Kim HyunJoong’s personally drawn messages that he put up in his official homepage ( ID and mobile site.
Agency KeyEast who developed the character ‘U:ZOOSIN’ said “It is an alien that is commonly seen, so it gives the character a sense of familiarity to others” “Besides the charismatic image that he shows through performances and drama, this next-generation character will reflect Kim HyunJoong’s carefree and 4-Dimensional charisma as well as being loved by people of all ages and gender.” He said showing his anticipation.
Netizens who saw the released character responded “Happy that there is a character representing Kim HyunJoong”, “Neat colors and looks good at the first look of it”, “I can feel its cute charisma”, “It’s a crisis for President Bbo* that U:ZOOSIN has appeared!” Well response from the messages left to congratulate the birth of this character U:ZOOSIN are seen.
Currently, KeyEast is preparing for the release of various products of U:ZOOSIN such as clothes, fancy items, etc, in conjunction with Kim HyunJoong’s comeback in June. U:ZOOSIN character products will be on sale through in early June in conjunction with album release.
Meanwhile, Kim HyunJoong’s first mini album ‘Break Down’ pre-order has breakthrough 70,000 copies in 10 days, gaining lots of anticipation.
*President Bbo = Bbororo (the blue penguin) which is commonly called as president bbo
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