[Trans] Park Jung Min, Standing On His Own on InStyle Fashion
Source: InStyle
Chinese Trans: 피오나@PJM IFC
English Trans: http://cllslam10.blogspot.com
indo_trans: http://link4triples.blogspot.com/
Pls repost with credits

Park Jung Min, tidak hanya dianggap sebagai member SS501 Park Jung Min, tetapi yang telah berdiri di atas namanya sendiri. Dia telah mencapai puncak posisi Global Star-nya, bukan? Sebelum bertemu dia, satu-satunya yang aku tahu dari Park Jung Min adalah [Apa yang harus dilakukan ketika kau hanya merasa keseksian dan karisma maskulin?]
Tapi terakhir dari Park Jung Min yang kau dapat lihat adalah, kau benar-benar akan melupakan prasangkamu tentang dia. Pertemuanku dengan Park Jung Min dimulai pada jam 4 sore dan seterusnya, dan untuk wartawan dan staf hanya bisa menonton di samping pada jam 5 sore. [Global Star, pasti akan terlambat], tidak tahu apakah ini prasangkaku terhadap dia yang menutupi pemikiranku. Tapi, Park Jung Min tiba di studio jam 3:30 sore.
[Halo! Apa kabar?]Dia menyapa semua orang di dalam studio, melihat Park Jung Min kau tak bisa menemukan GlobalStar sombong, berkuasa dan angkuh dari dia. Ini adalah pria muda 25 tahun yang sehat dan sopan, selain dengan mata bersahabat dan menawan, membuatku "menggaruk-garuk kepala" berpikir kenapa bisa begitu? Selama pemotretan, meskipun hanya bisa melihatnya melalui layar, tetapi kau dapat mengenalnyaa. Dia adalah orang, yang ingin dikencani semua orang, siapa saja yang melihat matanya akan tersenyum pada saat yang sama, pria muda indah yang akan membuat ibu tersenyum alami.
Scene 1 THE CUT

Dalam konsep awal, kami berpikir memberikan pria muda tampan ini make-up smoky, tapi setelah melihat efek yang datang kemudian kami sungguh menyesal terhadapnya dalam hati. Karena selama proses pemotretan, Park Jung Min dan staf menyukai efek tsb, sehingga mereka mengubah Park Jung Min menjadi ksatria ber-imej seksi. Bagian aslinya sangat bagus, tapi dia sangat tahu bagaimana menyoroti sudut pandangnya, sehingga efeknya benar-benar berbeda di depan kamera. Dengan menekan tombol ini cepat, tiba-tiba menjadi "THE CUT". [Tentu saja, ini adalah Park Jung Min] kalimat semacam ini tiba-tiba saja keluar.
Scene 2 Do not want to be a youth

25 tahun. Seorang pemuda yang tidak mau disebut "Pemuda", dia juga tidak ingin menjadi anak muda. Tidak peduli apapun itu, kepribadian ramah dan sikapnya secara perlahan terungkap seperti padang rumput hijau, yang tak bisa ditemukan pada ksatria hitam tsb. Tapi, gambar fashion cerah tak bisa lepas dari senyum cerianya. Meskipun studio sudah menyala terang, kecerahan energiknya melimpah. Hari ini, sebenarnya Park Jung Min menderita gangguan gerakan tulang pungency, dan sehari sebelum dia mengalami demam tinggi 40 derajat, dan di studio pada hari itu dia masih harus minum obat untuk mendukung jadwalnya berakhir. Namun demikian, tidak peduli apapun, melompat atau berpose lain, dia tidak menolak, dia bahkan tidak menunjukkan kelelahan sedikitpun, membuat proses pengambilan gambar penuh kekhawatiran. Jelas dia adalah flower boy. Selain itu, di layar kau dapat melihat berbagai ekspresi dan kemampuan akting-nya, tidak masalah apakah karir musiknya, atau bisnis lainnya, dia akan dimasukkan melakukan yang terbaik, itulah kepribadiannya. Hal-hal yang kami sukai, Park Jung Min akan memikirkan dan menggunakan ide-ide dan konsep sendiri bersama-sama dengan pemikiran profesional untuk mencapainya. Dalam waktu dekat, teruslah mencintainya. Dan kepada fans yang memberinya banyak cinta juga diantisipasi, silakan nantikan harapan dari Global Star.
Park Jung Min, not only considered as SS501 member Park Jung Min, but who has already made a name for himself standing on his own. He has already reached the peak of his Global Star position, isnt it? Before meeting him, the only thing that I know of Park Jung Min is [What to do when you only feel sexiness and masculine charisma?]
But lastly from Park Jung Min you can see that , yet you will totally forget what your prejudice about him. My meeting with Park Jung Min starts at 4pm onwards, and for reporters and staffs can only watch at the side at 5pm. [Global Star, sure to be late], dont know whether is my prejudice towards him that clouded my thinking. But, Park Jung Min arrived at the studio at 3.30pm.
[Hello! How Are You?]
He greeted everyone around in the studio, looking at Park Jung Min you couldnt find any Global Star high, mighty and proud looks from him. This is a 25 years old healthy and polite young man, in addition with his amicable and charming eyes, making me "scratching my head" thinking why is that? During the shooting, even though can only see him thru the screen, but you can just identify him out. He is that person, whom everyone want to date, anyone who see his smiling eyes who will smile at the same time, the beautiful young man whom will let the mother who smile naturally.
Scene 1 THE CUT
In the initial concept, we thought of giving our beautiful young man smoky make-up, but after seeing the after-effects we totally feel apologetic to him in our hearts. Because during the shooting process, Park Jung Min and the staff love the effects, thus they transform Park Jung Min into a sexy knight image. The initital part is very good, but he really knows how to highlight his point of view, thus the effect is totally different in front of the camera. With this quick button-pressing, this suddenly became "THE CUT". [Sure enough, This is Park Jung Min] this kind of sentence suddenly just came out.
Scene 2 Do not want to be a youth
25 years old. A youth who doesnt want to be called "Youth", he also do not wanna be a young boy. No matter what, his friendly personality and attitude is slowly revealed like those green pastures, which couldnt be found in those black knights. But, bright fashion images couldnt escape from his playful cheerful smile. Even though the studio is already lighted brightly, his energetic brightness overflow. This day, actually Park Jung Min is suffering from Cervical vertebra movement disorder, and the day before he actually was having a 40deg high fever, and in the studio on that day he still have to consume his medication so as to support him till the end of his schedule. Nevertheless, no matter any jumping or any other postures, he dont even reject, he did not even showed any tiredness, making the shooting process even more worrying. Clearly he is the flower boy. In addition, on the screen you can see his different kinds of expressions and acting skills, not matter whether is his musical career, or any other business he will put in his best to do it which is his personality. The things we like, Park Jung Min will think thru and use his own ideas and concepts together with his professional mind to achieve it. In the near future, please continue loving him. And those who fans who gave him lots of love also anticipate, please look forward to the expectations of the Global Star.
But lastly from Park Jung Min you can see that , yet you will totally forget what your prejudice about him. My meeting with Park Jung Min starts at 4pm onwards, and for reporters and staffs can only watch at the side at 5pm. [Global Star, sure to be late], dont know whether is my prejudice towards him that clouded my thinking. But, Park Jung Min arrived at the studio at 3.30pm.
[Hello! How Are You?]
He greeted everyone around in the studio, looking at Park Jung Min you couldnt find any Global Star high, mighty and proud looks from him. This is a 25 years old healthy and polite young man, in addition with his amicable and charming eyes, making me "scratching my head" thinking why is that? During the shooting, even though can only see him thru the screen, but you can just identify him out. He is that person, whom everyone want to date, anyone who see his smiling eyes who will smile at the same time, the beautiful young man whom will let the mother who smile naturally.
Scene 1 THE CUT
In the initial concept, we thought of giving our beautiful young man smoky make-up, but after seeing the after-effects we totally feel apologetic to him in our hearts. Because during the shooting process, Park Jung Min and the staff love the effects, thus they transform Park Jung Min into a sexy knight image. The initital part is very good, but he really knows how to highlight his point of view, thus the effect is totally different in front of the camera. With this quick button-pressing, this suddenly became "THE CUT". [Sure enough, This is Park Jung Min] this kind of sentence suddenly just came out.
Scene 2 Do not want to be a youth
25 years old. A youth who doesnt want to be called "Youth", he also do not wanna be a young boy. No matter what, his friendly personality and attitude is slowly revealed like those green pastures, which couldnt be found in those black knights. But, bright fashion images couldnt escape from his playful cheerful smile. Even though the studio is already lighted brightly, his energetic brightness overflow. This day, actually Park Jung Min is suffering from Cervical vertebra movement disorder, and the day before he actually was having a 40deg high fever, and in the studio on that day he still have to consume his medication so as to support him till the end of his schedule. Nevertheless, no matter any jumping or any other postures, he dont even reject, he did not even showed any tiredness, making the shooting process even more worrying. Clearly he is the flower boy. In addition, on the screen you can see his different kinds of expressions and acting skills, not matter whether is his musical career, or any other business he will put in his best to do it which is his personality. The things we like, Park Jung Min will think thru and use his own ideas and concepts together with his professional mind to achieve it. In the near future, please continue loving him. And those who fans who gave him lots of love also anticipate, please look forward to the expectations of the Global Star.
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