[News] Heo Young Saeng reveals selca of his bewitching long hair ‘Can man be this pretty?’
Source: Newsen
English Translation: Honeyeee @ LOVE501.com
indo_trans: link4triples.blogspot.com

Heo Young Saeng meng-upload selca dirinya memakai rambut panjang yang lebih cantik dari wanita.
Penyanyi Heo Young Saeng men-tweet tanggal 8 Juni siang bersama dengan sebuah foto dan tulisan "Ulang tahun ke-7. Sebelum membuat gaya rambut untuk Crying!"
Pada foto yang Heo Young Saeng posting, dia memakai rambut hitam panjang yang diikat ke belakang dengan poni menjuntai ke depan, dia persis seperti aktor drama sejarah.
Netizens yang melihat foto itu memberikan respon seperti "Membuat model rambut ini untuk Crying!", "Kukira itu rambut pendek kau mengubah konsepmu?", "Kau lebih cantik dari wanita", "Pergilah syuting drama sejarah sekarang juga" , "Lagu Crying bagus", "Sudah 7 tahun. Selamat", "Kelihatannya kau semakin cantik", "Akan melelahkan jika kau punya rambut ini sehari-hari" dan sebagainya.
Sementara itu, Heo Young Saeng telah merilis mini album 'SOLO' yang secara pribadi dia berpartisipasi dalam produksi, menampilkan pesona khas vokalnya lewat lagu 'Crying'.
Heo Young Saeng revealed a selca of himself wearing a long hair that is prettier than females.
Singer Heo Young Saeng posted the tweet in the noon on 8th June with a picture along with text “7th anniversary. Before making hairstyle for Crying!”
In the picture which Heo Young Saeng has posted, he was wearing a long black hair which was tied to the back. While in the fore of his face, with the long bangs falling forward, he looks exactly like actor in the historical drama.
Netizens who saw the photo gave respond such as “Make this hairstyle for crying” , “I thought it was short hair did you changed your concept?” , “You’re prettier than female”, “Go film a historical drama right now”, “The song Crying is great”, “Its already the 7th year. Congratulations”, “You seem to get prettier”, “It will be tiring if you have this hair everyday” and so on.
Meanwhile, Heo Young Saeng has released his mini album ‘SOLO’ which he has has personally participated in the production, showcasing his distinctive vocal charms throughout title song ‘Crying’.
Penyanyi Heo Young Saeng men-tweet tanggal 8 Juni siang bersama dengan sebuah foto dan tulisan "Ulang tahun ke-7. Sebelum membuat gaya rambut untuk Crying!"
Pada foto yang Heo Young Saeng posting, dia memakai rambut hitam panjang yang diikat ke belakang dengan poni menjuntai ke depan, dia persis seperti aktor drama sejarah.
Netizens yang melihat foto itu memberikan respon seperti "Membuat model rambut ini untuk Crying!", "Kukira itu rambut pendek kau mengubah konsepmu?", "Kau lebih cantik dari wanita", "Pergilah syuting drama sejarah sekarang juga" , "Lagu Crying bagus", "Sudah 7 tahun. Selamat", "Kelihatannya kau semakin cantik", "Akan melelahkan jika kau punya rambut ini sehari-hari" dan sebagainya.
Sementara itu, Heo Young Saeng telah merilis mini album 'SOLO' yang secara pribadi dia berpartisipasi dalam produksi, menampilkan pesona khas vokalnya lewat lagu 'Crying'.
Heo Young Saeng revealed a selca of himself wearing a long hair that is prettier than females.
Singer Heo Young Saeng posted the tweet in the noon on 8th June with a picture along with text “7th anniversary. Before making hairstyle for Crying!”
In the picture which Heo Young Saeng has posted, he was wearing a long black hair which was tied to the back. While in the fore of his face, with the long bangs falling forward, he looks exactly like actor in the historical drama.
Netizens who saw the photo gave respond such as “Make this hairstyle for crying” , “I thought it was short hair did you changed your concept?” , “You’re prettier than female”, “Go film a historical drama right now”, “The song Crying is great”, “Its already the 7th year. Congratulations”, “You seem to get prettier”, “It will be tiring if you have this hair everyday” and so on.
Meanwhile, Heo Young Saeng has released his mini album ‘SOLO’ which he has has personally participated in the production, showcasing his distinctive vocal charms throughout title song ‘Crying’.
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