Minggu, 11 Maret 2012

Drama baru Hyung Joon sudah dikonfirmasi

Sebelumnya sudah diberitakan bahwa Kim Hyung Jun terpilih sebagai pemeran utama drama 'I Love You'. Berikut artikel yang juga memastikan keikutsertaan HyungJun dalam drama tersebut.

형준 :: New drama is confirmed : 『그대를 사랑합니다(I Love You)』

source: news.naver.com
eng_trans: ss501ode.blogspot.com
indo_trans: link4triples.blogspot.com

Seorang personel terkait dari SBS Plus tanggal 8 Maret berkata pada TV Report, "Lee Soon-jae yang membintangi 'I Love You' versi film telah dikasting sebagai pemain utama pada drama 16 episode ini, dan akan terlibat kisah cinta romantis dengan Jung Young-suk".

'I Love You' adalah drama pertama yang diproduksi sendiri oleh SBS-Plus, dan sudah dipastikan akan tayang bulan April. Mereka menjadwalkan episode perdana sekitar minggu kedua bulan April. Meskipun waktu tayang belum diputuskan.

Selain Lee Soon-jae dan Jung Young-suk, SS501 Kim Hyung-jun dan aktris pendatang baru Kim Yoon-seo yang sebelumnya dikenal lewat drama KBS 2TV 'Poseidon' juga dipastikan bergabung dalam drama ini.


original source:

March 09 (Friday)

SBS 플러스측의 한 관계자는 8일 TV리포트와 전화통화에서 “영화 ‘그대를 사랑합니다’에 출연했던 이순재씨가 16부작 드라마의 남자 주인공으로 캐스팅됐고 정영숙과 노년의 로맨스를 펼친다”고 말했다.

-english: A related personnel of SBS-Plus told TV Report on 8th March, "Lee Soon-jae who had starred in the movie version of 'I Love You' has been casted as the main protagonist in this 16-episode drama, and will be unfolding romance with Jung Young-suk".

'그대사'는 SBS 플러스에서 자체 제작하는 첫 드라마이며 4월 편성이 확정된 상태다. 4월 둘째주 정도 첫방송이 예고돼 있고 방송 시간대는 미정이다.

-english: 'I Love You' is the first self-produced drama by SBS-Plus themselves, and has already confirmed for an April broadcast. They have scheduled for its pilot episode to be around the 2nd week of April, though the timing slot is not yet decided.

이순재 정영숙 외에 SS501 출신 김형준과 KBS 2TV ‘포세이돈’에 출연하며 얼굴을 알린 신예 김윤서도 합류하게 됐다.

-english: Besides Lee Soon-jae and Jung Young-suk, SS501 Kim Hyung-jun and newbie actress Kim Yoon-seo who has had previously made her face known in KBS 2TV drama 'Poseidon' were also been confirmed to join the drama.

2 komentar:

  1. anyong haseyooo.. gomawoyo,, setelah sekian lama saya mencari akhirnya ketemu blog yang mengupdate SS501... terima kasiiiiii banget :D

    1. annyeong haseyo.. chonmaneyo chingu
      di tunggu kunjungan dan komen2 lainnya
