Minggu, 26 Juni 2011

Musikal Goong sold-out tiap hari

[News] Kim KyuJong Musical ‘Goong’, Crossing the Sea to Japan ‘Sold-out Everyday’
Credits : news@tvdaily.co.kr + (English Translation) xiaochu @ Quainte501.com
indo_trans: http://link4triples.blogspot.com/

Jepang juga menggila dengan Musikal 'Goong'.

Pertunjukkan perdana Musikal 'Goong' diadakan tanggal 11-Juni di Jepang, dan tercatat tiketnya) terjual habis, menciptakan gelombang baru di Jepang. Koran-koran besar di Jepang semua melaporkan 'Goong' Korea yang dipentaskan di Kyoto saat ini.

Penonton seluruh Asia seperti Korea, Taiwan, Vietnam, dll, pergi ke Jepang untuk menonton 'Goong'. Beberapa dari mereka yang tidak bisa mendapatkan tiket bergerombol di depan teater Minamiza dan menggelar demonstrasi kejutan meminta 'pementasan tambahan di Kyoto'.

Sebuah surat kabar harian berpengaruh di Jepang menerbitkan sebuah laporan pada 16-Juni "Pujian Tinggi untuk musikal 'Goong'", di mana mereka mengevaluasi "Pementasan musikal 'Goong' Korea di Jepang menunjukkan pandangan unik padadunia karena karya asli dan kejelasan unik dari musikal, ditambah dengan standar tinggi lagu dalam musik Korea dan khususnya teater Kabuki, pementasan musikal di Jepang lebih kreatif dan dilakukan lebih kuat dari pertunjukan di Korea."

Surat kabar Asahi menambahkan "Dalam teater bersejarah di Kyoto Jepang dimana itu adalah kota kelahiran Kabuki, menonton musikal Korea tentang keluarga kerajaan, tentang negara dan budaya tradisional. Mencoba tidak terikat oleh konsep yang ada dari pemantasan musikal. Kebudayaan, sejarah Musical 'Goong' harus diberikan perhatian juga." Menunjukkan antisipasi mereka dengan pemberitaan positif bagi Musical 'Goong' Korea.

Meskipun ini pertunjukkan musikal pertama, Kim KyuJong (Lee Shin) menunjukkan kemampuan yang sangat baik dan aktris musikal Kwak SeonYoung (Shin ChaeYoung) mengucapkan terima kasihnya telah mendukung "Semua aktor / aktris sangat tersentuh dan didorong oleh sorak-sorai dan tepuk tangan dari penonton yang memenuhi teater. Para aktor / aktris akan bekerja lebih keras agar dapat membalas dukungan kalian."

Sebagai Musikal kreatif Korea, musikal 'Goong' menerima undangan dari perusahaan terkemuka di Jepang, dan semakin mandapat perhatian antusias hari demi hari di Jepang. Pertunjukkan musikal 'Goong' Musik diadakan di Minamiza di Kyoto, Jepang, sampai 1-Juli-2011, tiket dapat dibeli melalui website Shochiku dan website Brokore.


Japan is also in the musical ‘Goong’ craze.

Musical ‘Goong’ has its first performance on 11-Jun in Japan, and recorded a sold-out for days, creating a new wave in Japan. The major newspapers in Japan were all reporting on Korea’s ‘Goong’ which is playing in Kyoto currently.

Audiences from all over Asia such as Korea, Taiwan, Vietnam, etc, went to Japan in order to watch ‘Goong’. Some of them who couldn’t get the tickets crowded in front of Minamiza theatre and held a surprise demonstration to request for ‘Additional plays in Kyoto’.

An influential daily newspaper in Japan published a report on 16-Jun “High praises for musical ‘Goong’”, where they evaluated “The performances of Korean musical ‘Goong’ in Japan shows the unique outlook on the world as per the original work and the unique vividness of the musical, coupled with the high standards of songs in Korean musical and the specialty of Kabuki theatre, the musical performance in Japan has more creativity and the musical was done even more powerful than the performances in Korea.”

Asahi newspaper added “In the historical theatre in Kyoto Japan where it is the hometown of Kabuki, watching Korea’s musical about the imperial family, about the country and traditional culture. It tries not to be binded by the existing concept of musical plays. The cultural, historical meaning of Musical ‘Goong’ should be given attention to.” Showing their anticipation with the positive publicity for Korea Musical ‘Goong’.

Despite being his first musical performance, Kim KyuJong (Lee Shin) showed an excellent calm capability and skillful musical actress Kwak SeonYoung (Shin ChaeYoung) said her thanks for
the supports “All the actors/actresses were deeply touched and encouraged by the cheers and applause from the audience who filled up the theatre. The actors/actresses are working harder than any times in order to repay the support.”

As a creative Korean musical, musical ‘Goong’ received invitations from leading enterprises in Japan, and was getting enthusiastic attention day after day in Japan. The performance of Musical ‘Goong’ held in Minamiza in Kyoto, Japan, till 1-July-2011, tickets can be purchased through Shochiku ticketing website and Brokore website.

Sabtu, 25 Juni 2011

Heo Young Saeng Berbakat dalam Dance

[Trans] Kim Hyun Joong "Heo Young Saeng Is Talented In Dance"
Source: Korean News
Chinese Trans:0317 @ Heo Young Saeng Baidu Bar
English Trans: http://cllslam10.blogspot.com
indo_trans: http://link4triples.blogspot.com/
Pls repost with credits

Kim Hyun Joong sebagai asisten promosi untuk Heo Young Saeng. "Mengenai suara indah dari Heo Young Saeng, itu akan sangat sayang jika kau mendengarnya sendiri." Kim Hyun Joong memuji dan menghargai gaya Heo Young Saeng. Debut sebagai member SS501, Kim Hyun Joong dan Heo Young Saeng baru-baru ini merilis mini album solo masing-masing berjudul "BREAK DOWN" dan "LET IT GO" dan saat ini sedang beraktivitas.

Pada tayangan 23 Juni, KBS 2TV HAPPY TOGETHER, pada pertanyaan "Adakah tukar saran sebelum penjualan album?" dengan Heo Young Saeng menjawab, "Sebelum merilis album itu aku meminta nasihat dari Hyun Joong. Dia berkata aku harus menyanyi balada, sebab aku sebagai vokalis utama, seperti Jung Sung Mo, untuk membuat MV super-mewah." ungkapnya.

"Tapi, aku ingin lagu dance" Heo Young Saeng menjelaskan pandangan dan idenya. Sekarang "Mengapa kau menyarankan hal itu?" "Jika aku debut dengan lagu dance, takut berbeda dengan imej-ku, bukan?" dia bertanya dengan bercanda. Kim Hyun Joong, "Gaya Heo Young Saeng sudah bagus, merasa balada sangat cocok dengannya." dia menjawab. Selama KTV, orang sendirian mendengar standar ini akan sangat sayang. "Lagu bagus, ketika kau dengan mudah bisa berdiri di sana dan menyanyi, mengapa keluar berkeringat? Hanya dengan gaya Heo Young Saeng, kau akan tersentuh jika mengerti." tidaklah sulit menemukan daya tarik unik Heo Young Saeng.


Kim Hyun Joong as the promotional assistant for Heo Young Saeng. "Regarding the beautiful voice of Heo Young Saeng, it would be a pity if you hear it alone." Kim Hyun Joong praised and appreciate Heo Young Saeng style. Debuting as SS501 members, Kim Hyun Joong and Heo Young Saeng recently released their mini solo album "BREAK DOWN" and "LET IT GO" respectively and they are currently having their activities now.

On the broadcast of 23 June, KBS 2TV HAPPY TOGETHER, on the question "Any advice exchange prior to the sales of albums?" with this Heo Young Saeng replied, "Before releasing the album I did seek advice from Hyun Joong. He said that I should use ballads, cos I have been the main vocalist, like Jung Sung Mo, to make a ultra-luxurious MV" he revealed.

"But, I wanted to use dance songs" Heo Young Saeng explained his views and ideas. Now "Why do you advise it?" "If I debut as a dance song, fear of conflict with my image, is it?" he humourously asked. Kim Hyun Joong, "Heo Young Saeng style is already good, thinking that ballads suited him very well." he replied. During KTV, a person alone hearing this kind of standard would be a pity. "Good songs, when you can easily stand there and sing, why go and sweat it out? Only Heo Young Saeng's style, you will be touched if you understand." it is not difficult to find out Heo Young Saeng's unique charm.

Hyun Joong menepati janjinya

[News] Hyun Joong Kept his Promise
Source : MyDaily
Korean to English translation by SS501ode.blogspot.com
indo_trans: http://link4triples.blogspot.com/

Penyanyi Kim Hyun Joong yang sekarang bersolo karir memenuhi janjinya pada fans dari satu tahun lalu.

Personil dari Mnet '20s Choice' mengungkapkan pada tanggal 24, "Setelah mendapat penghargaan tahun lalu sebagai bintang paling berpengaruh yang dipilih oleh kaum muda, dia memberikan pidato kemenangan bahwa dia pasti akan berdiri di panggung lagi sebagai penyanyi tahun depan, dan memang, kini dia telah melakukannya", ujar personil tsb.

Diharapkan Kim Hyun Joong akan memberikan penampilan panggung powerful kali ini. Personil terkait dari acara ini juga menambahkan, "Sebuah panggung raksasa yang tidak akan pernah terlihat di tempat lain akan didirikan dengan iringan penampilan powerful yang akan dilakukannyang, jadi tetap nantikan", sambil memohon.

Event penghargaan tahun ini bernama 'Mnet 20's Choice' akan diadakan pada 7 Juli jam 18:00 di kolam renang bagian luar Seoul Gwangjang-dong's Walker Hill River Park dan akan dibawakan oleh Song Joongki dan Miss-A Suzi.


Singer Kim Hyunjoong who's now standing solo has kept to his promise to fans from one year ago.

Personnel from Mnet '20s Choice' has revealed on the 24th, "After getting the award last year as the most influential star selected by the 20s, he gave his winning speech that he will definitely stand on stage again as a singer next year, and indeed, he has now done so", as he said.

It is expected that Kim Hyunjoong will be delivering a powerful stage through this time's performance. Related personnel from the event ceremony also added, "A mammoth stage that could never have been visible elsewhere will be set up in accompaniment to the powerful performance that he'll be putting up, so do keep your anticipation high", as he pleaded.

This year's event ceremony for the 20s named 'Mnet 20's Choice' will be held on July 7 at 6PM at Seoul Gwangjang-dong's Walker Hill River Park's outdoor swimming pool and will be hosted by Song Joongki and Miss-A's Suzi.

[Fan Account] Musical Goong Japan

[Trans] 14 June Japanese Fan Account of Goong
from blog: blog.k-image.net/?eid=1096752
translated by: redcat111 校对 arigato555
posted on: www.kimkyujong.com.cn
lifted from baidu.com
photos came from blog
English translation by slimz1808 / liezle.blospot.com
indo_trans: http://link4triples.blogspot.com/

Musical Goong akhirnya dimulai!

Hai semuanya~!!

Musikal Goong yang sangat ditunggu memulai pementasan perdana pada 11 Juni di Kyoto. Meskipun sudah sering menonton pementasan... tapi ini masih sangat berharga!

Aku ada di sana untuk pertunjukan pertama, sangat penuh dan responnya bagus.

Ditambahkan beberapa segmen berbeda dibanding dengan versi di Korea. Pertunjukkannya benar-benar hebat.

Tidak peduli berapa banyak menonton pertunjukkan, ini masih berharga.
Pada tanggal 12 Juni, ada sesi tanda tangan dan jabat tangan setelah pertunjukan

50 fans beruntung yang membeli merchandise dipilih untuk sesi tanda tangan dan jabat tangan.

Ini pertama kali berkesempatan dekat dengan penampil sekaligus dapat tanda tangan. Sambil menunggu sesi dimulai, Kyujong & pemeran utama wanita bercanda... tangan Kyujong menulis sesuatu.

Hubungan antar pemain kelihatan sangat baik, memberikan suasana yang menyenangkan.
[After Talk] dilakukan setelah pertunjukan tanggal 14 Juni.

Dimulai dengan Kyu Jong dan JM dan ada sorak-sorai luar biasa dari aula.

Q1: Hari ini pertunjukkan ke- 4, bagaimana perasaan kalian
Kyu Jong: Aku merasa senang dapat tampil di gedung teater tradisional. Sangat tersentuh oleh reaksi positif dari semua orang. Meskipun aku agak gugup selama pertunjukan pertama, sekarang aku melakukannya dengan senang hati. Terima kasih.
JM: dihilangkan)

Q2: Kyu Jong tampil di panggung untuk pertama kalinya sebagai artis solo jauh dari member SS501, apa pendapatmu?
Kyu Jong: Perbedaan antara SS501 dan solo adalah bersama sebagai SS501 selama 7 tahun, sudah memahami permasalahan dan pemikiran sudah dimengerti dengan cepat (yaitu hubungan yang baik antara anggota dan staf). Pertama kali bertemu semua orang di kasting Goong, terlepas dari awalnya yang canggung, proses mengenal satu sama lain sangat menyenangkan. Semua orang sangat baik dan ramah, benar-benar bersyukur atas kesempatan mengenal satu sama lain dan bekerja sama.

Q3: Adakah pemain yang menarik?
Kyu Jong: Kukira semua orang mengenal baik... yang paling lucu Li Hong Ki

Tawa meledak di aula...

Li Hong Ki: Hai semua... *Batuk batuk*... maaf

Q4: LHK menambahkan kalimat Jepang sejak pertunjukan pertama. Beritahu kami apa "di balik layar" hubungan antara Pangeran Shin dan pengawalnya?
LHK: Ya, seperti ini! (Memeluk Kyu Jongs) Iri?

Q5: Sudah di Kyoto seminggu tetapi kalian semua sibuk dengan pertunjukan, adakah kesan tampil di Kyoto?
LHK: Kami akan jalan-jalan di samping pementasan. Kemarin kami keluar karena tidak ada pementasan. Pergi berbelanja dan makan dengan beberapa orang lain. Ada banyak makanan enak, sangat bahagia!
Kyu Jong: Ia pandai memasak, tinggal di rumah memasak setiap hari

Para pemain lain naik ke panggung dan mengenalkan diri masing-masing

RUN: Sebenarnya hari ini giliran Yunjun di panggung tapi dia cedera selama latihan oleh karena itu harus istirahat. Menghargai dukungan dari semua orang, dia akan kembali dengan penampilan panggung lebih indah. Silakan natikan.

Yunjun: Maaf membuat semua orang khawatir. Akan tampil mulai tanggal 18, Minta dukungannya.

Kyu Jong: Kami benar-benar bekerja keras dan sangat mempersiapkan untuk ini. Silakan tonton pertunjukan kami. Semua orang ramah dan lucu. Terima kasih berada di sini hari ini. Kami ada pertunjukkan besok, datanglah? Kami mempersiapkan penampilan terbaik setiap hari, kuharap semua orang akan ada di sini dan merekomendasikan ke teman kalian.


Musical Gong finally starts!

Hi everyone~!!

Much awaited musical Goong started its first show on 11 June in Kyoto. Although have already watched a lot of shows...but still find it very much worthwhile!

I was there for the first show, it was really FULL house and response was GREAT.

Added several different segments to the show as compared to the version in Korea. Performance was really great.

No matter how many shows watched, it is still worthwhile.
On 12 June, there was autograph and handshake after the show

50 lucky fans who purchased merchandises were picked for the autograph and handshake session.

Its my first time having such a chance to have a close-up with performers plus autograph.
While waiting for the session to kick off, Kyu and XXX (pardon, I dont know her name, the female lead) were playing....on Kyu's hand...scribbling

The relationship between the casts appear to be very good, providing a great atmosphere.
[After Talk] was conducted after the14June show.

Started with Kyu Jong and JM and there's tremendous cheers from the hall.

Q1: Today is already the 4th show, please share your after-thoughts
Kyu Jong : I feel good to be able to perform in such a traditional theater house. Very touched by the positive reactions from everyone. Although I was pretty much nervous during the first performance, now I'm doing it with much happiness and a lighter heart. Thank you.
JM: omitted)

Q2: Kyu Jong performing on stage for the first time as a solo artist away from SS501 members, what are your thoughts?
Kyu Jong : Difference between SS501 and solo is that being together as SS501 for 7 years, issues are being apprehended and thoughts understood pretty fast (i.e good rapport amongst members and staff). Its my first time meeting everyone in this current Goong cast, apart from the initial awkwardness, the process of getting to know each other was great. Everyone is really kind and friendly, really thankful for the chance to know each other and work together.

Q3: Any interesting cast members?
Kyu Jong : I guess everyone knows who right...its the most comical Li Hong Ki (not sure if I got his name right..)

Laughter outburst in the hall...

Li Hong Ki: Hi everyone... *cough cough*... sorry

Q4:LHK has been adding his Jap lines since the first show. Please tell us what is the "behind the scene" relationship between Prince Shin and his guard?
LHK: Oh ya, it is like this! (hugging Kyu Jong in the process) Envy?

Q5: Been at Kyoto for a week but you were all busy with the performances, any impression formed on Kyoto?
LHK: We would go out despite the performances. Yesterday we were out as there was no performance. Went shopping and eating with a few others. There's a lot of nice food, very happy!
Kyu Jong : He is good in cooking, stayed at home to cook everyday

The other cast members came on stage and did self intro (omitted)

RUN: Actually today is Yunjun's turn on stage but he was injured during practice and hence got to rest. Appreciate the support from everyone, he will be back with a more splendid stage performance. Please look forward.

Yunjun: Apologies for making everyone worried. Will be performing from the 18th, please support.

KYU JONG : We have really worked hard and prepared much for this. Please watch our show. Everyone is suave and cute. Thank you for being here today. We have shows tomorrow, coming? We prepared the best performances everyday, hope everyone would be here and recommend to your friends.

Jumat, 24 Juni 2011

[23.06.2011] Chatting-an Youngsaeng dengan fans di yozm

Bagian pertama bisa baca di Obrolan Young Saeng dengan fans di yozm dan lanjutannya

[Trans] YoungSaeng's yozm chat chat chat part 2
Credits : yozm + (English Translation) xiaochu @ Quainte501.com + liezle blog

[Note from xiaochu : The format of his reply is a little different from the last chat. In the last chat, he replied to the message directly, so I’m able to see what message he replied to. But in this 2nd chat, I guess he read the questions and then posted his reply as a new message. So I’m not gonna go through 34,835 messages. TT_TT We’ll just have to make out what he’s replying on ^^

Things that you want to talk about in YoungSaeng’s chat chat chat part 2! Here’s the topics! 1. Ways to enjoy your holiday. 2. About movies that you’ve enjoyed watching! 3. What to do when you’re stressed?? 4. Hot place you want to recommend? 5. Advices on problems, etc... Inviting everyone to suggest what topics they want to talk on!

The topics in the theme page are already - - ;; Will come back again at 8pm

[ys] everyone become Heo YoungSaeng?;;

Have you watched Rainy Heart music video?? Keke I feel a little disappointed...TT TT

What I feel most disappointed in Let It Go performances is.. that I could not be perfect myself!!

Rainy Heart activities...because I am not good in performing ballad so...kekeke Not going to do (activities for Rainy Heart)~~~ Isn’t it better to release the next album sooner?? Or should I continue my activities and comeback next year?? Keke

High school student fans.. are cute~~keke Wearing their school uniforms and being so small...kekeke calling...oppa oppa~~ keke

Holidays are...do I have time to enjoy a holiday in peace?

My next album will also be dance track...^^

Next album is planned to be released in September...But it can be changed.. Hope you take note of that!!keke

I want to go into acting.. But there is no specific plans yet^^

Next album is.. though it would be great if I release an official abum.. but I think it will take a very long time, so.. I think that it would be good if I release a mini album!!

How old am I already... cute concept... TT TT
(more like saying he’s outgrown the cute concept at this age already)

Sorry that I finished my activities so soon.. But the trend these days is to have short promotional activities.. Please live in the fun of waiting for me from now~~^^ while reviewing (what I’ve done)...!!

When I see fan boys.. I feel alright with that~~~ Since even guys see me as a great guy Heo YoungSaeng...keke

When the accident happened in Music Bank.. I was really embarrassed.. And it was funny too~~I think it was a good memory~~keke

When I see my fans.. I think “kekekekekekekekeke”

To everyone with upcoming exams...!!! “Good luck for your exams~~^^ I will kill you if you don’t do well!!!^-----^*”

Family news... It was a long time ago.. I cannot.... remember~~ TT TT

Keeping a distance with fans?? That is managing~keke

Close (friendly) idol...!!! Who is it.. I am closest to HongKi~~ and recently I became close with YongJun hyung~~keke Beast.. pretty dongsaengs~keke

Rock ballad next time... Though it is not that powerful.. please look forward to it~~ or maybe not~~keke

I’m just only saying I am mysterious.. but I think I am not mysterious.. - - Will someone mysterious do chats like this? Keke

I cannot sing well...TT TT don’t say singing ability TT TT I’m embarrassed~

Auntie fans or..Noona fans are all welcome~~ Of course!!!!keke But.. auntie and noona fans are sluggish.. - -^

Happy Together... I did my best.. Even got sprayed by water!!

“Takki I love you” >_<”.

What is gathering chocoball

On rainy days.. I just want to rest at home..keke

I bought 21 CDs from Hottracks.. My friend who bought 1 copy got picked...... <<< Poor thing.. TT TT

The best thing I like during this promotional activities is.. the black tailor-made garment and.. the last performance clothes for Inki Gayo?keke

I couldn’t meet the members often these days..TT TT

In Happy Together.. I broke my image a lot..TT TT

If we extend this for an hour.. oppa will be tired..TT TT

What does oppa think of Heo YoungSaeng..? I am Heo YoungSaeng~~

3rd year high school students~~ Even though you have a lot of stress.. and having a hard time.. pull through it!! Alawys think positively...and hope you will strive on~~
So that when University entrance exam ended.. everyone will be smiling and waiting for the results!! Let’s Hwaiting!! 3rd year high school students Hwaiting~~~~

In this album.. my favourite song is Out The Club~~

How I wish that I can be close with girl groups..keke Girl group.. Anyway, I’m closest to Kara and Rainbow dongsaengs~~keke

Hand injury.. is not 100% recovered yet.. I think has recovered 90%!!^^ Thank you for your concern~~

Word that I really don’t want fans to say is.... “Sorry~”

If there are not many fans who came to my public broadcast performance.. other than my feeling.. my strength will be gone (discouraged)~~ TT TT

The forehead kiss in the music video.. ask this to........ the director...kekeke

My official 1st album.. I will think about it.. after I release the upcoming mini album this time~~^^

Short girls.. are cute~~

Have I ever seen a ghost...? I always see them~~keke Scary right???????

I am close with Supernova’s SungJe~~keke He is the only celebrity friend who is the same age as me besides HyunJoong?kekeke

I did the narration for Rainy Heart.. I should have done it even better.. What a pity.. TT TT

Fans.. are prettiest when they cheer and support me~~^^

I didn’t watch my diet when I was young... nowadays... I take healthy good..TT TT

I will lose more weight for my next album.. I will return with an even sharper image~~keke

I like cute and innocent girls~~ and girls who are well-dressed!!

Showcase.. I also eagerly wants to have it!!! However.. I won’t have it if many of you don’t come...keke

Word that I want to hear most from fans is.... “Wah~~~~~~~”

Resting..while taking a rest~~keke

Genre of my next album is...... still.. a secret..!!^^

I want to open a fanclub... but like I said just now.. I won’t do it if there are not many people~

Middle school fans are.. the future of our country!!keke

I don’t have any book which I read recently...keke

Indonesia... I will go when everyone looks for me anxiously~~keke

I am not a two-fingered typist~~

Girl group dance that I try to dance recently is.. None. TT TT;;

Tall girls... It’s ok if she’s not taller than 170cm~~

Game that I am good at... Winning Eleven?keke

What I wish from my fans for my next album.. I wrote it in my official homepage~~

Besides baseball.. I also like basketball~~ I even made a basketball team recently~~keke But since my wrist is still injuried.. I am not able to play sports.. TT TT

My voice mimicry...

173... only if you don’t wear high heels...keke

My typing speed... maybe 300?;;

When feeling down.. listen to Rainy Heart~~

Sports that I am most confident in... is basketball~~

I am not a good drinker.. TT TT

Fans who come in their school uniforms are cute~~keke

As soon as my hand fully recovers.. I will exercise~

Songs I enjoy listening to.. I listen to all kinds of songs~~keke

Drama that I watch recently.. Greatest Love! I finished watching episode 2~~keke

Everlasting song 2.. Program is interesting but.. because I don’t sing well.. I think that it is not for me to attend!!^^

I am getting old.. to wear school uniform..... - -^

Drinking capacity is.. 1 bottle of soju? Half bottle of hard liquor? 2 bottles of beer? Kekeke

I don’t have abs.. don’t expect it~~keke

Double S Official 2nd album.. there is no specific plan for it yet...TT TT cos everyone are busy~~

Building up my body.. that is not going to be easy..keke

Today’s side dish is frog!!

I want to keep a puppy.. but because of the puppy’s fur.. I can’t~~ TT TT;;;

There is nothing that I want to do the best in..TT TT

I want to try Peru food~~keke

The thing that I regretted most in my life till now is.. Nothing...!!

Back view beauty..... - - How is front view... - - poob!

I am not good in variety.. TT.TT;;; I am not eloquent~~

It is good to promote Let It Go.. let’s set the timing!!^^ pretties~

Drink with fans.... and break all my mysteriousness~~?

My attraction is........;; Smile? Keke voice? Kekeke sorry.. TT TT

My favourite Double S song is.... All my love

I have eaten ShinDdeok before... Doesn’t taste good... TT TT

I am not able to read what everyone has written one by one..;; Everyone will see if I don’t write anything right? Keke Please understand~~ And.. you must ask questions.. so that I can reply..
Other than extreme personal questions~~ and embarrassing ones~~

Body part where I am most confident in.. Shoulder~!

During mom’s birthday.. giving her a sincere gift!!! Among friends.. even though it is good to give materialistic stuffs.. but for parents.. they like their children’s heart the most~~^^

Words that you want to hear most now.... thanks for your hard work? Keke

For a period of 7,8 months.. I think I should be producing my album~~

Girls are about acting cute!!!

Get A+ and show it next time..that will do right..? TT TT

The most memorable performance in the past 7 years of activities is our debut stage!!

Age is just a number~~

Housewives.. have a hard time.. because they have to take care of family..TT TT;; Students have a hard time during exam period...TT TT;; Ladies in their 20s have a hard time at work...TT TT;;
I understand them all~~^^ Everyone please do your best in your own field of work~~ Because I will also do my best in my own field~

I think I can’t compose for my next album.. TT TT;;; musical motif doesn’t come to mind~~

I have driver license.

I mainly play games when I use computer~~keke

If I have a little sister.. I want to take her out to play~~

I visit fansites sometimes~~~keke

If it is the end of the world tomorrow.. I think I will be chatting in yozm like now..keke

When oppa takes healthy food.. I felt that I got old.. - -

Arab fans, I can’t go over right now~~ but!! I will definitely be going~~ so hope you can give me lots of support despite being so far away!!!^^

Please break up with that guy~~

When the time is up, I will say goodbye~~

Thing I want to do most now is.. I want to sleep~~keke

I still can’t take seafood~~ TT TT

Girlfriend’s hairstyle, it’ll be good if it is a style that suits herself the most~~

There is not much time left now~~TT TT

When you meet eye to eye with a girl!!! Where will you first look at!!!! Look at her eyes~ maybe look at legs?keke

“BoMin-ah work hard

Reply to me for once since you’re on the computer TT TT It’s my wish, my wish!! TT TT << Reply!

ByeonSeo-yah, Good luck to your university entrance exam

Do you know that your face is small ??kekeke << yup!

“YoonSeon-ah~!! Do well!”

SoHyeon-ah Hwaiting~~!!

I love you, pretty

I will say JooHee-yah I love you~~~~ and go kekekekekekekekekekekekekekekekekekekekekekeke


EunJin EunJin!!!!

Thank you for the great deal of work~~~^^ It has been a long time since we have a chat like this and it was fun~~^^

Another album will be out soon.. Please wait for awhile more~~^^

Like I said just now.. Don’t forget to do your utmost best in your own field!!!

For your reference..I am in my house till now..doing the chat^^ Will send the photo next time~!!


chiwoo23 :

[Heo YoungSaeng] A proof shot for everyone who felt that 1 hour was really short!

Tiga pria menyatakan (perasaan) pada Kim Hyun Joong?

Wuihh.. yang jatuh cinta pada Kim Hyun Joong tidak hanya wanita tapi pria juga,,, hihihi,,,

[News] Kim Hyun Joong Had Three Guys Confess to Him on the Same Day?
Credit: hotshotlover30 / Soompi
indo_trans: http://link4triples.blogspot.com/

Kemarin dalam KBS2 "Happy Together," Kim Hyun Joong (KHJ) mengungkapkan ada tiga pria menyatakan (perasaan) padanya pada hari yang sama di masa lalu. Sejak debut, KHJ telah melelehkan hati fans dengan wajah tampannya. Beberapa bahkan mengklaim KHJ lebih cantik dari perempuan. Kim Hyun Joong menjelaskan, "Ada tiga pria menyatakan (perasaan) padaku pada hari yang sama. Aku pergi ke Itaewon membeli pakaian, ketika seorang pria menghampiriku dan bertanya apakah aku punya pacar. Aku menjawab aku punya, dan dia pergi tampak jengkel."

Dia menambahkan, "Aku terus jalan ketika seorang pria lain muncul dan bertanya,'Hei sayang, apakah kau punya kekasih?' Aku menjawab, 'Mengapa aku kekasihmu?'" Kim Hyun Joong melanjutkan, "Lalu pria ketiga menanyakan pertanyaan yang sama. Kukira jalan yang kulalui banyak pria yang suka". (pada KHJ)

Hyorin dari Sistar, si kembar dari Boyfriend Young Min dan Kwang Min, dan sesama member SS501 Heo Young Saeng juga tampil bersama Kim Hyun Joong kemarin di "Happy Together."

original source:

In yesterday’s episode of KBS2’s “Happy Together,” Kim Hyun Joong revealed that three guys confessed to him on the same day in the past. Since his debut, he has melted the hearts of his fans with his pretty, flower boy face. Some even claimed that he’s prettier than females. Kim Hyun Joong explained, “I had three guys confess to me on the same day. I went to Itaewon to buy some clothes, when a guy came up to me and asked if I had a girlfriend. I answered that I did, and he left looking flustered.”

He added, “I kept going my way when another guy came up and asked, ‘Hey Honey, do you have a lover?’ I responded, ‘Why am I your honey?’” Kim Hyun Joong continued, “Then a third guy asked me the same question. I guess the street I was on just had a lot of guys of that preference".

SISTAR’s Hyorin, Boyfriend’s twins Young Min and Kwang Min, and fellow SS501 member Heo Young Saeng also appeared alongside Kim Hyun Joong in yesterday’s episode of “Happy Together.”

Kamis, 23 Juni 2011

[S Plus notice] HyungJun Birthday Party Invitation

[Trans] HyungJun, 24th Birthday Party Invitation
Credits : HyungJun.co.kr + (English Translation) xiaochu @ Quainte501.com

Undangan Perayaan Ulang Tahun ke-24
2011-06-22 21:48:01


Ini S Plus Entertainment.

Untuk merayakan ulang tahun Kim HyungJun ke-24 pada 3 Agustus, kami telah mengatur waktu bermakna untuk dihabiskan dengan fans.

Venue : Yonsei University 100th Year Memorial Concert Hall

* Mini konser berisi penampilan solo Kim HyungJun
* Perayaan ulang tahun Kim HyungJun ke-24
* Rilisan Besar Behind The Scene Video yang tersembunyi!
* Acara pemberian Koleksi pribadi HyungJun
* High-Touch untuk semua orang (Setelah acara berakhir)

- Bagi mereka yang membeli 'The Man DVD' yang akan dirilis pada hari H, kami akan memilih 100 dari kalian untuk acara fansign setelah acara High-Touch.

Tanggal penjualan tiket akan dirilis kemudian.

Kami berharap banyak partisipasi dan perhatian fans.

Terima kasih.


24th Birthday Party Invitation
2011-06-22 21:48:01


This is S Plus Entertainment.

Celebrating Kim HyungJun’s 24th birthday on 3-Aug, we have arranged a meaningful time to spend with fans.

Venue : Yonsei University 100th Year Memorial Concert Hall

Program :
* Mini concert consisting of Kim HyungJun’s solo
* Kim HyungJun’s 24th Birthday Party
* Big Release of Behind The Scene Video which was well-hidden till date!
* HyungJun’s personal collection giveaway event
* High-Touch for everyone (After the event ends)

- For those who purchased ‘The Man DVD’ which will be released on the day of event, we will pick 100 of you to have a fan sign event after the High-Touch event.

Ticketing date will be released later.

We hope for lots of fans’ participation and attention.

Thank you.

Kim HyunJoong Special Interest?

cosplay = costum player (semacam kostum karakter)

[news] Kim HyunJoong Special Interest? Confessed “Ever Bought a Cosplay Female School Uniform Before”

Credits : newsen + (English Translation) xiaochu @ Quainte501.com
indo_trans: http://link4triples.blogspot.com/

Minat khusus Kim Hyun Joong? Pengakuan "Sebelumnya pernah membeli cosplay seragam sekolah perempuan"

Kim Hyun Joong mengejutkan semua orang ketika dia mengatakan pernah membeli seragam sekolah perempuan sebelumnya.

Kim Hyun Joong mengaku dalam acara KBS 2TV ‘Happy Together 3’ baru-baru ini, "Ketika pertama kali SS501 ke Jepang, Kim Hyun Joong membeli seragam sekolah wanita di tempat yang menjual kostum cosplay."

Adalah Heo Saeng yang awalnya membeli kostum wanita China one-piece, dan Kim Hyun Joong pergi ke tempat yang sama dan memilih kostum. Pengakuan tiba-tiba Kim Hyun Joong mengejutkan MC dan mereka bertanya apakah dia pernah memakai yang seragam sekolah. "Aku mengantungnya sebagai dekorasi" katanya dan menekankan kalau dia membelinya karena menemukan hal menarik di tempat yang menjual berbagai jenis kostum cosplay seperti polisi, seragam sekolah, dll

"Karena pakaian itu sangat indah, kami membelinya tanpa pikiran apa-apa, tetapi orang-orang salahpaham dan curiga bahwa kami membeli untuk pacar." Heo YoungSaeng menambahkan dengan ekspresi tertekan, membuat yang lainnya tidak bisa menahan tawa.

Ditayangkan pada 23 Juni pada 11:15pm.


Kim HyunJoong surprised everyone when he said he ever bought a female school uniform before.

Kim HyunJoong confessed in KBS 2TV ‘Happy Together 3’ recording recently, “When SS501 first went to Japan, Kim HyunJoong bought a female school uniform in a place which sells cosplay costumes.”

It was Heo YoungSaeng who bought a one-piece Chinese lady costume first, and Kim HyunJoong went to the same place and chose his costume. Kim HyunJoong’s sudden confession surprised the MCs and they asked him if he ever wore that school uniform. “I hung it up as a decoration” he said and emphasized that he bought it because he find it interesting as that place sold a lot of different kinds of cosplay costumes such as policeman, school uniform, etc.

“Because the clothes are so beautiful, we bought them with an innocent mind, but people misunderstood and suspected that we were buying for our girlfriend.” Heo YoungSaeng added with a depressed expression, making the rest can’t help but laugh.

Broadcast is on 23-Jun at 11.15pm

Kim HyunJoong Fainted in The Toilet

[News] Kim HyunJoong “Ate Spicy JjamBbong and Fainted in The Toilet”
Credits : newsen + (English Translation) xiaochu @ Quainte501.com
indo_trans: http://link4triples.blogspot.com/

Kim HyunJoong "Makan JjamBbong dan pingsan di toilet"

*JjamBbong adalah semacam mie seafood pedas

Kim Hyun Joong berbicara tentang insiden dimana dia makan JjamBbong pedas dan pingsan.

Dalam tayangan terbaru KBS 2TV 'Happy Together 3', Kim Hyun Joong mengawali pembicaraan "Setelah menyelesaikan program musik, dalam keadaan ketegangan sudah hilang, aku pergi ke kedai JjamBbong, yang terkenal akan pedasnya, dan memesan JjamBbong yang paling pedas. "

Dia mengaku "Koki datang sendiri kepadaku dan membujukku (untuk memesan) tapi aku ingin tahu seberapa pedasnya, jadi aku tetap dengan pesanan itu. Sekitar 2 menit makan, aku mulai berkeringat dingin dan setelah 6 menit, perutku sakit dan langsung ke toilet, setelah itu aku pingsan."

Dia menambahkan pengalaman pusing-nya, "Kemudian, aku mendengar dari manajer yang bersamaku kalau aku sedang duduk di toilet dan mataku putih lalu pingsan." Dia mengatakan, kemudian koki tersenyum senang melihat Kim Hyun Joong pingsan di ambulans, membuat semua orang tertawa.


*JjamBbong is a kind of spicy seafood noodle

Kim HyunJoong talked about an incident where he ate spicy JjamBbong and passed out.

In the recent recording of KBS 2TV ‘Happy Together 3’, Kim HyunJoong started his talk “After finishing a music program, in a state where the tension was gone, I went to a JjamBbong shop, famous for its spiciness, and ordered the most spicy JjamBbong.”

He confessed “The chef came to me personally and dissuade me (to order) but I wanted to know how spicy is the spiciness, so I went ahead with the order. About 2 minutes into eating, I started to have cold sweats and after 6 minutes, I had a stomachache and had to go straight to the toilet, afterwhich I passed out.”

He added revealing his dizzy experience, “Later, I heard from the manager who was with me then that I was sitting in the toilet and my eyes were showing the whites and I fainted.” He said that later on, the chef smiled delightfully and watch the fainted Kim HyunJoong in the ambulance, which made everyone laughed.

Broadcast is on 23-Jun at 11.15pm.

Heo Young Saeng confession

Dulu Youngsaeng malu ketika Jungmin bilang YS suka buang angin diam-diam. Sekarang YS sendiri yang mengakuinya, tak bersuara tapi berbau, hehehe......

[Trans] Heo Young Saeng confessed "During Live Broadcast, Physiological Phenomenon, No Sound But Smells"
Source: Newsen
Chinese Trans: 鸭子 @水之莲生许永生中文网
English Trans: http://cllslam10.blogspot.com
indo_trans: http://link4triples.blogspot.com/
Pls repost with credits

Pengakuan Heo Young Saeng "Gejala fisiologis, tak bersuara tapi berbau"

Selalu dengan imej prince, Heo Young Saeng berseru selama siaran bahwa dia merasakan panggilan alam Fisiologis, yang membuat semua orang tertawa.

Heo Young Saeng yang baru-baru ini syuting tayangan KBS 2TV "Happy Together", menceritakan persiapan kegiatan SS501 untuk siaran live music, ketika saatnya naik panggung, tiba-tiba perutnya merasa tidak enak.

Dia melanjutkan, "Tak ada pilihan, awalnya ingin menunggu sampai musik dance-nya selesai maka akan menyelesaikan masalah fisiologis, namun mereka menempatkan musik yang salah, yang dimainkan oleh penyanyi balada lain." "Untungnya tidak ada suara, tapi tidak menyembunyikan baunya, menyebar ke semua staf dan awak kru, benar-benar merasa sangat menyesal."

Kim Hyun Joong yang tampil bersama dengannya selama siaran live music tidak luput, meskipun dia berdiri paling jauh dari Young Saeng. Mengenai cerita ledakan Young Saeng, Kim Hyun Joong memperagakan kegiatan latih dance "LOVE YA", ketika panggilan alam Fisiologis itu terjadi.


Always has been an image of a prince, Heo Young Saeng blurted out during the broadcast that he did felt a Physiological nature calling, making everyone burst into laughter.

Heo Young Saeng during the recent shooting of KBS 2TV "HAPPY TOGETHER" recording, blurted out the story during SS501 activities preparation for the live music broadcast, when it's time to go on stage, suddenly his stomach dont feel well.

He continued on, "No choice, initially wanting to wait till the dance music finished then will settle the physiological problem, but they put on the wrong music, played a ballad by other singer." "Luckily there isnt any sound, but still cant hide the smell, it spread towards all the staff and crew members, really felt very apologetic."

Kim Hyun Joong who was performing together with him during the live music broadcast was not spared even though he was standing the furthest away from Young Saeng. Regarding Young Saeng outburst, Kim Hyun Joong demostrated during the dance practice of "LOVE YA" activities, when Physiological nature calling that occurred.

Kim Hyung Jun di halaman depan "Sunday Post"

[News] SS501′s Kim Hyung Jun Decorates Front Page of Indonesian Newspaper
Credit: hotshotlover30 @ Soompi
indo_trans: http://link4triples.blogspot.com/

Pada 18 Juni, SS501 Kim Hyung Jun berada di Jakarta, Indonesia, untuk "Fantastic KPOP Festival" bersama dengan 2AM, miss A, San-E, Lee Hyun dari 8eight, dan Joo. Pada hari berikutnya, koran Indonesia, "Sunday Post" menulis sebuah artikel tentang penampilan mereka dan memampang foto besar Kim Hyung Jun di halaman depan.

Perwakilan dari perusahaan produksi di balik konser di Indonesia menyatakan, "Kim Hyung Jun sangat populer di Indonesia. Meskipun ada artiskpop lain yang hadir, fakta bahwa foto Kim Hyung Jun ada di halaman depan media lokal adalah bukti popularitasnya." Perwakilan S Plus Entertainment menyatakan, "Kim Hyung Jun punya banyak fans di Indonesia . Kami berulang kali mendapatkan undangan untuk konser."
Sementara itu, Kim Hyung Jun sibuk mempersiapkan konser di Hong Kong dan Taiwan, yang diselenggarakan pada tanggal 17 dan 24 Juli.

On June 18th, SS501′s Kim Hyung Jun was in Jakarta, Indonesia, for the “Fantastic KPOP Festival,” along with 2AM, miss A, San-E, Lee Hyun of 8eight, and JOO. On the following day, Indonesian newspaper, the “Sunday Post” wrote an article about the stellar performances and placed a large photo of Kim Hyung Jun on its front page.

A representative of the production company behind the concert in Indonesia stated, “Kim Hyung Jun is tremendously popular in Indonesia. Despite other kpop artists present, the fact that Kim Hyung Jun’s photo made it to the front page of the local media is proof of his explosive popularity.” A representative of S Plus Entertainment announced, “Kim Hyung Jun has a lot of fans in Indonesia. We repeatedly get love calls for concerts.”

Meanwhile, Kim Hyung Jun is busy preparing for his concerts in Hong Kong and Taiwan, held on July 17th and 24th respectively.

K-pop casts its spell

source: The Jakarta Post | Sun, 06/19/2011 8:00 AM
- JP / Irawaty Wardany

Dalam waktu dua minggu, fans musik pop Korea Selatan (K-pop) mendapat suguhan lain, konser FantastiKpop yang menampilkan kuartet Korea 2AM, penyanyi San E, Joo, grup perempuan Miss A dan Kim Hyung Joon, member boyband SS501.

Fans K-pop - kebanyakan remaja - bersenang-senang, berteriak lagi, terutama setelah penyanyi menyapa mereka dalam bahasa Indonesia, "Selamat malam"

Sorak-sorai menjadi lebih keras ketika penyanyi R & B San E tampil di panggung. "Dia mengundang seorang wanita di antara penonton untuk naik ke panggung dan membiarkan dia menciumnya," kata Annisa, yang menghadiri konser itu.

Direktur eksekutif penyelenggara konser Blackrock Entertainment, Neki Reinarto, mengatakan dia memutuskan menghadirkan bintang pop Korea mengingat meningkatnya popularitas mereka di Indonesia karena budaya pop Korea.

"Kami berharap ini dapat menjadi titik awal untuk memperkenalkan musik Asia, tidak hanya Korea, kepada dunia," katanya.

Band 4 personil 2 AM kurang satu orang pada konser Sabtu itu, karena Jinwoon sedang sibuk mengerjakan proyek solo di Korea Selatan.

Lee Hyun, member boyband 8Eight, yang telah telah diundang, membatalkan penampilannya beberapa hari sebelum konser karena jadwal yang padat dalam mempersiapkan comeback bersama grupnya minggu depan.

"Susunan penampil erubah karena Lee Hyun sedang rekaman album baru. Kami berharap fans mengerti karena situasi di luar kendali kami," kata Neki.

Tidak adanya Jinwoon dan Lee Hyun diimbangi dengan penampilan Kim Hyung Joon - member termuda SS501, yang baru saja merilis album solo pada bulan Maret.

Joo dan 2AM berkata mereka bersemangat bertemu dengan fans Indonesia.

"Aku sangat senang kembali ke Indonesia setelah beberapa waktu," kata Joo, yang pernah tinggal di Indonesia sebelumnya.

Pada hari Jumat, dia bertemu dengan fans yang dipilih oleh Blackrock Entertainment melalui kontes di Twitter, sementara fans dapat bertemu Miss A di Hotel Mulia Senayan, di mana mereka menginap.

2AM, yang mengunjungi Indonesia pada bulan Mei tetapi tidak bertemu fans, mengatakan mereka berharap konser itu mengobati kekecewaan fans, dimana mereka menyanyikan enam lagu

Konser Sabtu itu dimulai oleh Joo, yang menyanyikan empat lagu, diikuti 2 AM, rapper San E dan Kim Hyung Joon, selanjutnya Miss A yang mengakhiri malam itu.

Di konser, penonton Indonesia tidak hanya disuguhi musik Korea, tetapi juga budaya Korea, termasuk masakan dan fashion, beberapa stand luar Senayan Sports Complex, tempat konser digelar.

original source:

In the space of two weeks, fans of South Korean pop music (K-pop) were in for another treat, the FantastiKpop concert featuring Korean quartet 2AM, singers San E, Joo, girl group Miss A and Kim Hyung Joon, a member of boy band SS501.

Korean pop fans — mostly teenagers — were having a good time, screaming for more, especially after performers greeted them in Indonesian, “Selamat malam” (good evening).

The cheers became louder when R&B singer San E. performed on stage. “He invited a woman in the audience onto the stage and allowed her to kiss him,” Annisa, who attended the concert, said.

The executive director of concert organizer Blackrock Entertainment, Neki Reinarto, said he decided to bring in the Korean pop stars given the increasing popularity in Indonesia of Korean pop culture.

“We hope this can be a starting point to introduce Asian music, not only Korean, to the world,” he said.

Four-person band 2AM was one short for Saturday’s concert, as band member Jinwoon was busy working on a solo project in South Korea.

Lee Hyun, a member of boy band 8Eight, who had been billed as perform, canceled his appearance a few days before the concert due to his tight schedule in preparing for his group’s comeback next week.

“The lineup of performers changed because Lee Hyun is recording a new album. We hope fans understand because the situation is beyond our control,” Neki said.

The absence of Jinwoon and Lee Hyun was offset by the performance of Kim Hyung Joon — the youngest member of SS501, who recently released a solo album in March.

Joo and 2AM said they were excited about meeting Indonesian fans.

“I’m so glad to come back to Indonesia after quite some time,” said Joo, who has been in Indonesia before.

On Friday, he met with fans selected by Blackrock Entertainment through a contest on Twitter, while fans will get to meet Miss A at the Hotel Mulia Senayan, where the pop start are staying during their visit.

2AM, which visited Indonesia in May but did not meet fans, said they hoped the concert, where they performed six songs, would make up for their fans’ disappointment.

Saturday’s concert was kicked off by Joo, who sang four songs, followed by 2AM, rapper San E andKim Hyung Joon, with Miss A wrapping up the evening.

At the concert, the Indonesian audience was not only exposed to Korean music, but was also treated to examples of Korean culture, including cuisine and fashion, at several booths outside the Senayan Sports Complex, where the concert was held.

Album solo Kim Hyun Joong melampaui 100.000 keping

[News] Kim Hyun Joong’s Debut Solo Album Sales Figure breaks 100,000!
Source: Nate
English Translation: khjgalaxy.blogspot.com
indo_trans: http://link4triples.blogspot.com/

KeyEast, perusahaan manajemen Kim Hyun Joong mengungkapkan total penjualan debut solo mini album ‘Break Down’ melebihi 100.000 dalam 2 minggu.

Angka penjualan album menurut situs Hanteo tercatat 83.000 dari tanggal rilis 8 - 20 bulan ini. Selain itu 20.000 terjual di Jepang, total penjualan album mencapai 100.000.

KeyEast menyatakan 'Tahun ini selain grup idola seperti Big Bang & TVXQ, dia artis solo pertam yang memecahkan rekor penjualan album 100.000 copy.' dan 'Selain Jepang, penjualan album di wilayah Asia lainnya belum terhitung. Kim Hyun Joong akan mulai tur Asia bulan Agustus di 9 tempat, total penjualan album diharapkan meningkat lagi.'

Kim Hyun Joong sedang mempromosikan lagu 'Break Down' yang mendapat peringkat 1 di berbagai program musik.


Kim Hyun Joong’s management company Keyeast reveals that his debut solo mini album ‘Break Down’ ‘s total album sales has surpassed 100 000 within 2 weeks.

Album sales figures research site Hanteo has recorded 83 000 from the release date on the 8th to 20t of this month. In addition with 20 000 amount of album sales in Japan, the total album sales reached 100 000.

Keyeast expresses ‘This year besides idol groups like Big Bang & TVXQ, he is the first solo artist to break 100 000 in album sales.’ and ‘Other than Japan, the rest of Asia’s album sales have not been recorded. Kim Hyun Joong will be starting Asia tour on 9 locations in August, the total album sales figures are expected to increase even more.’

Kim Hyun Joong is promoting the title track ‘Break Down’ which has won various number 1 on music shows.

Rabu, 22 Juni 2011

[notice] Heo YoungSaeng – yozm chat (2nd live chatting)

Bagi yang pengen ngobrol bareng Young-saeng, bisa stay tune di yozm SNS Daum, besok (23/6) jam 8 malam. Semoga obrolannya lebih seru dari yang pertama~~

[21.06.2011] Heo YoungSaeng – yozm chat (2nd live chatting)
Credits : young-saeng.com + (English Translation) xiaochu @ Quainte501.com
indo_trans: http://link4triples.blogspot.com/


Ini perwakilan B2M.

Pusat konseling masalah Heo YoungSaeng di yozm Daum

Obrolan2 YoungSaeng ~ 2nd live chatting

Akan diadakan pada 23 Juni dari pukul 20:00 selama sekitar 1 jam.

Kami mengumpulkan saran untuk topik yang ingin kalian obrolkan dengan YoungSaeng.

Silakan cek di halaman tema yozm Heo Youngsaeng pusat konseling masalah

Tidak hanya akan ada konseling masalah selama chatting kedua ini pada 23 Juni, YoungSaeng juga akan membuat presentasi.

Untuk mereka yang tidak bisa bergabung dengan YoungSaeng pada chatting pertama,

23 Juni pukul 8 malam! Jangan lewatkan 1 jam menyenangkan bersama dengan YoungSaeng!



This is B2M representative.

Heo YoungSaeng’s problem counseling centre at Daum’s yozm

YoungSaeng’s chat chat chat~ 2nd live chatting

Will be held on 23-June from 8pm for about 1 hour.

We are collecting suggestions for the topics which you wish to talk to YoungSaeng with.

Please check it at theme page of yozm’s Heo YoungSaeng’s problem counseling centre.

Not only there will be counseling on problems during the 2nd chat chat chat on 23-June, YoungSaeng will also make a presentation.

To those who couldn’t join YoungSaeng for the 1st chat chat chat,

23-Jun at 8pm! Don’t miss the 1 hour of fun with YoungSaeng!

Heo Young Saeng says "Assalamu'alaikum"

Bagi warga Indonesia yang mayoritas muslim kata "Marhaban", "Assalamu'alaikum" pasti sering kita dengar. Kata-kata inilah yang diucapkan Young-saeng saat menyapa fans-nya dari wilayah Arab dalam wawancara di KBS WORLD Beyond Radio. Ternyata banyak juga Triple S disana. Korean wave benar-benar melanda seluruh dunia, bahkan negara2 Arab sekalipun.

Simak video-nya berikut ini: (ada eng_subs-nya)
credit: KingsOfAsia501

Kisah penculikan HyunJoong

Akhirnya terjawab sudah kenapa HyunJoong diculik... Cute ah~~

[News] Kim Hyun Joong shares his imprisoned story while vacationing in Jeju Island
Source : Newsen
Courtesy of phenom / AllKPop
indo_trans: http://link4triples.blogspot.com/

Episode spesial SBS "Strong Heart" - "King of Kings" disiarkan pada 21 Juni. Selama rekaman ini, SS501 Kim Hyun Joong mengungkapkan cerita menarik yang berjudul, "Insiden penahanan Kim Hyun Joong."

Kembali di tahun 2007, Kim Hyun Joong pergi ke klub malam dengan beberapa kenalan saat berlibur di Pulau Jeju. Dia mengungkapkan, "Aku bahkan bernyanyi sambil bermain, tapi ketika aku mabuk, aku terjatuh karena benar-benar mengantuk. Aku harus menggunakan kamar kecil, jadi aku sebentar pergi ke kamar kecil. Namun, aku tidak ingat apa pun yang terjadi setelah itu."

Ketika dia terbangun, Kim Hyun Joong pertama memeriksa SMS. Ponselnya mati dan ketika dia menyalakannya, dia mendapat lebih dari 100 panggilan tidak terjawab. Saat akan kembali tidur, dia tiba-tiba sadar tidak bisa mengingat di mana dia. Karena itu gelap dan dia tidak bisa melihat apa pun di depannya, Kim Hyun Joong berpikir dia mungkin diculik dan mengatakan pada dirinya sendiri untuk tetap tenang.

Dia menyalakan ponselnya lagi, mencoba dan menggunakan cahaya untuk melihat apa yang ada di depannya, tapi setelah beberapa detik, ponselnya mati lagi. Dia mengenakan sepatu dan mulai menyentuh benda-benda di depannya.

Kim Hyun Joong mengungkapkan, "Aku pergi bolak-balik menyentuh benda-benda di ruangan itu, tapi aku merasa banyak tombol. Ketika aku menekan tombol itu, kelihatannya kenal. Aku berpikir, "Ah, ini adalah ruangan tadi malam." Tombolnya berasal dari mesin karaoke.

Ternyata, ketika Kim Hyun Joong kembali dari kamar kecil, tak sengaja masuk ke ruang karaoke yang salah di klub tsb dan tertidur. Teman-temannya berpikir Kim Hyun Joong kembali ke asramanya lebih awal, sehingga mereka meninggalkan klub malam tsb. Setelah itu, Kim Hyun Joong berusaha untuk keluar dari klub, tetapi pintunya terkunci dan telepon di dalam klub malam hanya memiliki fitur ekstensi.

Kim Hyun Joong mulai cemas, tetapi akhirnya pintu terbuka dan dia melarikan diri. Namun, ketika di luar, dia sadar rambutnya berantakan dan tidak punya uang. Dia mencoba menelepon bebas pulsa kepada teman-temannya, tetapi tidak ada yang mengangkat telepon karena mereka semua tertidur.

Kim Hyun Joong menyatakan, "Karena asramaku berjarak 40km, aku hanya duduk di jalan. Aku seperti pengemis" menyebabkan tawa seluruh studio. Orang di sekelilingnya bercanda dan menyatakan, "Kau flower-beggar," memainkan gelarnya sebagai "flower boy" di "Boys Over Flowers".


SBS’s “Strong Heart” held a “King of Kings” special on the June 21st broadcast. During this recording, SS501’s Kim Hyun Joong confessed an interesting story titled, “Kim Hyun Joong’s incarceration incident.”

Back in 2007, Kim Hyun Joong went to a nightclub with some acquaintances while on vacation in Jeju Island. He revealed, “I was even singing while playing, but when I get drunk, my downfall is that I get really sleepy. I had to use the restroom, so I left briefly to go to the restroom. However, I don’t recall anything that happened after that.”

When he woke up from his sleep, Kim Hyun Joong first checked his text messages. His cell phone was off and when he turned it on, he had over 100 missed calls. After this, he was about to go back to sleep, but he suddenly realized that he couldn’t remember where he was. Because it was dark and he couldn’t see anything in front of him, Kim Hyun Joong thought he might have been kidnapped and told himself to stay calm.

He turned on his cell phone again to try and use the light to see what was in front of him, but after a second, his cell phone turned off again. He put on his shoes and started to touch the items in front of him.

Kim Hyun Joong revealed, “I went back and forth touching the things in the room, but I felt a lot of buttons. When I pressed the buttons, they felt familiar. I thought to myself, ‘Ah, this is the room from last night.” The buttons were from the karaoke machine.

As it turned out, when Kim Hyun Joong came back from the restroom, he accidently went into the wrong karaoke room in the club and fell asleep. His friends thought that Kim Hyun Joong went back to his dorm early, so they left the nightclub. After, Kim Hyun Joong tried to exit the club, but the doors were locked and the phone inside the nightclub only had extension features.

Kim Hyun Joong started to worry a bit more, but he finally got the door to open and escaped. However, when he came outside, he realized that his hair was a mess and he had no money. He tried to make a toll-free call to his friends, but his friends didn’t pick up the phone because they were all asleep.

Kim Hyun Joong stated, “Because my dorm was 40km (around 25 miles) away, I just sat on the street. I was just a beggar” – causing much laughter in the studio. Those around him joked around and stated, “You’re a flower-beggar,” playing on his title as a “flower boy” from “Boys over Flowers“.

[16-20 Jun] Update twitter HyungJun

Kangen dengan Hyungjun, so aku posting foto2 dan update twitter-nya. Enjoy it~

credit: @HyungJun87 + Korean to English translation by xiaochu @ Quainte501.com
Re-post with full credits please.

2011-06-16 @ 4:18 PM
HyungJun87 Arrived at Singapore. Weather is hot. What is everyone doing?!

2011-06-16 @ 4:36 PM
HyungJun87 Cute piropiro. http://yfrog.com/kh9a8suj


2011-06-18 @ 7:29 AM
HyungJun87 Going off to Jakarta now. Let's run till our body shatter. To forget everything. http://yfrog.com/kl36108274j
(sayang aku nggak bisa nonton, hiks..hiks)

2011-06-19 @ 4:35 PM
HyungJun87 Filming summer photobook? What is this ^^ http://yfrog.com/kevfkdj

seperti apa ya photobook-nya?

2011-06-20 @ 7:41 PM
HyungJun87 Successfully finished Wide Entertainment News first broadcast. It was fun. http://yfrog.com/kil0cjj

Selasa, 21 Juni 2011

Kim Hyun Joong diculik di Jeju??!

Penasaran nich,, bagi yang bisa streaming silakan tonton Strong Heart nanti malam.
Ini certia bener atau cuma 4D-nya Hyunjoong aja ya??
Oh iya, mulai besok siang jam 13:30 wib, Playful Kiss ditayangkan di Indosiar, stay tune~

[News] Kim Hyun Joong Was Kidnapped in Jeju Island?!
Courtesy of hotshotlover30 / Soompi
indo_trans: http://link4triples.blogspot.com/

Pada episode "Strong Heart" malam ini, Kim Hyun Joong akan mengungkapkan kisah pribadi tentang bagaimana ia dipenjarakan saat berlibur di Kepulauan Jeju yang indah. Kim Hyun Joong menyatakan, "Aku pergi ke Kepulauan Jeju dengan sekelompok teman dan mabuk. Aku tertidur, dan ketika aku terbangun, aku sendirian di ruangan gelap tanpa jendela. Tiba-tiba aku berpikir mungkin saja aku diculik."

Silakan tonton malam ini seluruh ceritanya di SBS "Strong Heart" pukul 11:05 KST. Sementara itu, Kim Hyun Joong sibuk mempromosikan album solo pertamanya "Break Down."

Drama terbarunya, "Playful Kiss", juga menerima banyak perhatian dari penggemar internasional. Walaupun dramanya mengecewakan karena rating yang rendah selama ditayangkan di Korea, tetapi saat ini menerima ekspose tinggi di YouTube. Resmi saluran YouTube (youtube.com/ytkiss) mendapat total 20.175.602 penonton videonya. Saluran ini menarik bagi pemirsa di seluruh dunia karena menyediakan terjemahan dalam bahasa Inggris, Cina, Spanyol, Jepang, Arab, Perancis, Yunani, Indonesia, Italia, dan Vietnam.


On tonight’s episode of “Strong Heart,” Kim Hyun Joong will reveal a personal story about how he was imprisoned while vacationing in the beautiful Jeju Islands. Kim Hyun Joong stated, “I went to Jeju Islands with a bunch of friends and got drunk. I fell asleep, and when I woke up, I was alone in a dark room with no windows. It suddenly came to me that I could have been kidnapped.”

Check out the entire story tonight on SBS’s “Strong Heart” at 11:05 PM KST. Meanwhile, Kim Hyun Joong is busy promoting his first solo min album “Break Down.”

His latest drama, “Playful Kiss,” is also receiving a lot of attention from its international fans. While the drama disappointed with low single digit ratings during its run in Korea, it’s currently receiving high exposure on YouTube. Its official YouTube channel (youtube.com/ytkiss) has racked up a whopping 20,175,602 total views of its videos. The channel appeals to viewers worldwide as it provides subtitles in English, Chinese, Spanish, Japanese, Arabic, French, Greek, Indonesian, Italian, and Vietnamese.

U-Kiss meng-apresiasi musikal Goong

[Trans] U-Kiss appreciates the musical “Goong”
Credits: kissmeukiss + gung-japan @ brokore + propertyofkebin @ tumblr (translation) + g-ladys @ tumblr
indo_trans: http://link4triples.blogspot.com/

Konnichiwa (Halo). Ini adalah staf (dari musikal "Goong").
Pekan lalu, grup K-POP U-Kiss mengunjungi tempat duduk kami (duduk di kursi baris terakhir dimaksudkan untuk kru). Mereka memberikan sambutan hangat pada Musikal Goong yang akan kami memperkenalkan kepada kalian sekarang.

Aku menikmati menonton musikal Goong.
Setiap adegan memiliki banyak bagian yangmenyenangkan, ada juga saat-saat di mana itu sangat menyentuh.

Ini benar-benar menyenangkan.
Saya dapat menonton dan menikmati baik drama dan musiknya.

Pertama, terima kasih atas undangannya untuk semua member kami (untuk menonton musikal).
Bagian menarik dari drama juga disajikan dalam bentuk musikal dan itu sangat menyenangkan bisa menontonnya.
Menyanyikan lagu selama musikal itu juga sangat baik. Juga, kuharap punya kesempatan seperti ini.

Meskipun aku juga sudah menyaksikan versi dramanya, aku merasa sebenarnya ada perbedaan yang baik.
Lagu-lagu yang baik dan kemampuan pemain sangat tinggi.
Menghabiskan waktu yang fantastis.

Itu sungguh mengagumkan.
Aku merasakan kemampuan dari semua aktor.
Aku juga menyaksikan dramanya, namun lagi-lagi aku menemukan pesona (dari Goong) dan sangat menyentuh.

Seperti yang member lain katakan, itu benar-benar mengagumkan, aku sangat tersentuh.
Kami juga, jika bisa melakukan hal ini, akan bekerja keras dengan upaya maksimal.
Diberikan kesempatan ini, kami benar-benar akan sangat bersyukur.


Konnichiwa (Hello). This is a staff (of “Goong” musical).
Last week, K-POP group U-Kiss visited our back seats (sat at the last row of the seats meant for crew). They have given Goong Musical rave reviews which we will now introduce to you.

I enjoyed watching the Goong musical.
Every scene had a lot of fun parts, there were also moments where it was very touching.

It was really enjoyable.
I have been able to watch and enjoy both the drama and musical.

Firstly, thank you for extending the invitation to all our members (to watch the musical).
Interesting portions of the drama were also presented in the musical and it was very enjoyable to be able to watch it.
The singing of songs in the during the musical was also very good. Also, I hope to have a chance like this.

Though I have also watched the drama, I fel that there was actually a good difference.
The songs were good and the actors ability were very high.
Fantastic time spent.

It was awesomely enjoyable.
I felt the abilities of all the actors.
I have also watched the drama, yet again I discovered the charms (of Goong) and was very touched.

As the members were saying, it was really awesomely enjoyable, I was very touched.
We too, if we can do this kind of jobs, we will work hard with utmost effort.
Given this chance, we will really be very thankful.

Heo Young Saeng tentang debut solonya dan masa depan SS501

Perkataan yang mendalam dari Youngsaeng, semoga harapannya terkabul. Triple S selalu menunggu kalian bersatu kembali.

[News] Heo Young Saeng discusses his solo debut and SS501’s future
Source + Photos: Kuki News via Nate
Courtesy of VITALSIGN /AllKPop
indo_trans: http://link4triples.blogspot.com/

Heo Young Saeng menjadi salah satu artis yang debut solonya paling diantisipasi dari sesama member SS501, dan dia berbuat sesuatu sesuai dengan harapan sejauh ini.

Sebagai vokalis utama SS501, banyak yang mengira dia akan menyanyikan lagu balada tradisional, tapi dia membalikkan semua itu, keluar dengan lagu dance bertempo medium yang meraih peringkat dalam chart. Lagu itu bahkan dinominasikan untuk "Music Bank" 'K-Chart' pada tanggal 20.

Penyanyi itu baru-baru ini duduk diwawancara secara mendalam dengan Kuki News untuk membahas baik debut solo dan SS501. Dia mulai, "Tujuan albumku ini adalah untuk memperoleh namaku di luar sana. Mereka mengakui aku sebagai member SS501, tetapi mereka tidak benar-benar tahu siapa Heo Young Saeng. Aku melepaskan semua keserakahan dan merilis albumku untuk tujuan tunggal, sehingga rasanya nyata dan menyenangkan menerima banyak cinta yang tak terduga. Ketika aku mendengar dinominasikan untuk tempat pertama, aku pribadi sangat terkejut."

Ketika ditanya mengapa dia memilih lagu dance sebagai lawan balada, dia menjelaskan, "Ketika aku bertanya-tanya imej seperti apa untuk debutku sebagai penyanyi solo, aku menemukan 'Let It Go'. Aku juga berpikir bahwa balada akan lebih pas untukku, tapi saat aku mendengar lagu itu, aku berpikir tidak begitu buruk menunjukkan sesuatu yang tidak terduga. Aku bekerja keras agar bisa mendengar orang-orang bialng, 'Heo Young Saeng cocol dengan lagu jenis itu juga'."

Pada saat menyebutkan debut solo sesama member SS501, dia berkata, "Ini bukan kompetisi melawan member SS501 lainnya, melainkan melawan diriku sendiri. Aku tidak pernah berpikir bersaing melawan mereka karena yang lebih penting bagiku mengeluarkan album yang membuatku puas. Aku bekerja keras untuk ini, tapi ada masih banyak sisa-sisa kekecewaan, seakan aku bisa melakukan yang lebih baik. Aku sangat berterimakaih kepada member SS501 karena mengunjungi debut panggungku dan mengirim SMS dukungan."

Member2 mungkin dalam perusahaan yang terpisah sekarang, tapi dia meyakinkan fans bahwa mereka semua menunggu hari dimana mereka berlima akan kembali bersama-sama. Dalam rangka mempersiapkan hari itu, mereka tidak pernah menggunakan istilah 'Bubar'.

Dia mengungkapkan, "Banyak orang mengatakan karena salah satu member menyebabkan perselisihan dan pengkhianatan, tapi itu semua jauh dari kebenaran. Ini bukan seperti kita dapat memperjelas setiap rumor yang datang... Ini benar-benar membuat frustrasi dan mengecewakan, tapi aku hanya menunggu hari dimana kami berlima datang bersama lagi dan menghentikan rumor2 itu. Dalam rangka mempersiapkan hari itu, kami tidak pernah membiarkan kata 'bubar' keluar dari mulut kami. Kami semua memiliki situasi masing-masing, jadi kami tidak bisa mengeluarkan album atau mengadakan konser segera - Namun, kami berjanji menjadi SS501 yang akan terus melakukan hal terbaik dalam posisi dimana kami berada dan memberikan hiburan bagi fans kami."


Heo Young Saeng has been one of the most anticipated solo debuts out of his fellow SS501 members, and he’s definitely lived up to the expectations so far.

As the lead vocalist of SS501, many thought he’d be going with a traditional ballad, but he turned the table by coming out with a medium tempo dance track that’s ranking in on the charts. The song was even nominated for the “Music Bank” ‘K-Chart’ on the 20th.

The singer recently sat down for a heartfelt interview with Kuki News to discuss both his solo debut and SS501. He began, “My goal for this album was to get my name out there. They recognize me as an SS501 member, but they don’t really know who Heo Young Saeng is. I let go of all of my greed and released my album for that sole purpose, so it feels both surreal and joyful to be receiving such an unexpected amount of love. When I heard that I was nominated for first place, I was personally very surprised.”

When asked why he opted to go for a dance track as opposed to a ballad, he explained, “When I was wondering what image to make my debut as a solo singer with, I encountered ‘Let It Go‘. I, too, thought that a ballad would fit me better, but the moment I heard the song, I didn’t think it’d be so bad to show something unexpected instead. I worked hard to able to hear from people, ‘Heo Young Saeng matches this type of songs too.’”

At the mention of his fellow SS501 solo debuts, he said, “It’s not a competition against the other SS501 members, but rather a fight against myself. I never thought of competing against them because it was more important for me to put out an album that satisfied me. I did work hard for this, but there’s still a lot of disappointment left, as if I could’ve done better. I’m really thankful for my SS501 members for visiting my debut stage and sending text messages of support.”

The members may be in separate companies now, but he assured fans that they were all waiting for the day that the five of them would be back together. In order to prepare for that day, they never use the term ‘disbandment’.

He revealed, “A lot of people say that it was because one member brought about discord or so and so betrayed so and so, but it’s all different from the truth. It’s not like we can clarify every single rumor that comes about… It’s really frustrating and disappointing, but I’m just waiting for the day where all five of us come together again and put those rumors to rest. In order to prepare for that day, we never let the word ‘disbandment’ come out of our mouths. We all have our own situations, so we can’t put out an album or open a concert immediately – however, we do promise to become an SS501 that will continue to do our best in the positions we’re in and provide entertainment for our fans.”

KyotoMinamiza Theatre is full of excitement every day

[Trans] KyotoMinamiza Theatre is full of excitement every day.
Source : Goong Japan Website http://blog.brokore.com/gung-japan/5033.do
Japanese to English translation by lafone / liezle.blogspot.com
indo_trans: http://link4triples.blogspot.com/

Kenyataan bahwa ada ketidakpastian di kalangan aktor dan aktris apakah musikal Korea akan disambut oleh penonton Jepang atau tidak di permulaan.
Namun, sekarang mereka merasa percaya diri berkat respon hangat dan bersemangat dari penonton.

Kyu Jong berkata sebagai berikut:

Aku terkejut penonton menjawab dalam bahasa Korea "Ne~~~" (lafone: Ya) untuk permintaan seorang staf, Mr Kwon (lafone: seorang pejabat yang menjaga Pangeran Shin), ia berakting sebagai narator cerita, berbicara sesuatu yang menarik di atas panggung, berkata dalam bahasa Jepang yang membuat penonton tertawa.

Dia meminta kepada penonton di awal pementasan musikal untuk tidak mengambil gambar, atau video, dll "tidak melakukan" hal tsb. Kita semua menjawab "Ne~~ agesumida" (lafone: Ya~~~, Baiklah!" dalam bahasa Korea.)

Aku juga senang semua pemain bekerja keras untuk berbicara dalam bahasa Jepang yang diterima dengan baik dan mendapat reaksi yang bagus dan tawa dari para penonton. Aku juga melihat pena bercahaya hijau pada kesempatan kembali naik panggung, yang membuatku benar-benar bahagia, mengetahui fans terus mendukungku. Aku sangat menghargai itu. Meskipun masih ada pertunjukkan tersisa, namun berkat energi yang kita terima dari penonton, kami akan bekerja lebih keras untuk membuatnya lebih baik.

Mr. Yujun, yang berakting sebagai Jeong-Yul, Mr. Sun-yong (Chegyon) dan yang lainnya sangat unik dan menarik juga. Terutama, penunggang kuda adalah RUN, berkat kemampuan bernyanyinya, semakin populer sekarang setelah penampilannya di TV.

Kami sangat berharap kalian akan terus memberikan dukungan kepada "Goong"

Oleh staf dari Kyoto Teater Minamiza


It is a fact that there was uncertainty among actors and actresses whether the Korean musical will be welcomed by Japanese audience or not at the beginning.
However, they now feel confident thanks to the warm and passionate response from the audience.

Kyu Jong said as follows:

I was surprised that the audience answered in Korean "Ne~~~ "(lafone : Yes) to the requests by Mr. Kwon official (lafone: an official who takes care of Prince Shin), he acted as a narrator of the story, chats something interesting on the stage, speaking some Japanese which brings the audience into an explosion of laugh.

He asked the audience at the very beginning of the musical not to take pictures, nor videos, etc. “not to do” things . We all answered “ Ne~~ agesumida” (lafone : Ye~~~~s, All right !”in Korean.)

I am also happy that all the casts worked hard to speak some Japanese which was well accepted and got good reaction and laugh from the audience. I also see green penlights on the occasion of curtain call, which made me really happy, knowing that the fans continue to support me. I really appreciate it. Though we have more number of performances left, but thanks to the energy we receive from the audience, we will work harder to make it much better.

Mr. Yujun, who acts as Jeong-Yul, Mr. Sun-yong (Chegyon) and others are very unique and charming as well. Especially, the rising horse is RUN, thanks to his singing ability, getting much popular now after his appearance in TV.

We sincerely hope that you will continue to give support to “Goong”

By staff of Kyoto Minamiza Theatre