Rabu, 22 Juni 2011

Kisah penculikan HyunJoong

Akhirnya terjawab sudah kenapa HyunJoong diculik... Cute ah~~

[News] Kim Hyun Joong shares his imprisoned story while vacationing in Jeju Island
Source : Newsen
Courtesy of phenom / AllKPop
indo_trans: http://link4triples.blogspot.com/

Episode spesial SBS "Strong Heart" - "King of Kings" disiarkan pada 21 Juni. Selama rekaman ini, SS501 Kim Hyun Joong mengungkapkan cerita menarik yang berjudul, "Insiden penahanan Kim Hyun Joong."

Kembali di tahun 2007, Kim Hyun Joong pergi ke klub malam dengan beberapa kenalan saat berlibur di Pulau Jeju. Dia mengungkapkan, "Aku bahkan bernyanyi sambil bermain, tapi ketika aku mabuk, aku terjatuh karena benar-benar mengantuk. Aku harus menggunakan kamar kecil, jadi aku sebentar pergi ke kamar kecil. Namun, aku tidak ingat apa pun yang terjadi setelah itu."

Ketika dia terbangun, Kim Hyun Joong pertama memeriksa SMS. Ponselnya mati dan ketika dia menyalakannya, dia mendapat lebih dari 100 panggilan tidak terjawab. Saat akan kembali tidur, dia tiba-tiba sadar tidak bisa mengingat di mana dia. Karena itu gelap dan dia tidak bisa melihat apa pun di depannya, Kim Hyun Joong berpikir dia mungkin diculik dan mengatakan pada dirinya sendiri untuk tetap tenang.

Dia menyalakan ponselnya lagi, mencoba dan menggunakan cahaya untuk melihat apa yang ada di depannya, tapi setelah beberapa detik, ponselnya mati lagi. Dia mengenakan sepatu dan mulai menyentuh benda-benda di depannya.

Kim Hyun Joong mengungkapkan, "Aku pergi bolak-balik menyentuh benda-benda di ruangan itu, tapi aku merasa banyak tombol. Ketika aku menekan tombol itu, kelihatannya kenal. Aku berpikir, "Ah, ini adalah ruangan tadi malam." Tombolnya berasal dari mesin karaoke.

Ternyata, ketika Kim Hyun Joong kembali dari kamar kecil, tak sengaja masuk ke ruang karaoke yang salah di klub tsb dan tertidur. Teman-temannya berpikir Kim Hyun Joong kembali ke asramanya lebih awal, sehingga mereka meninggalkan klub malam tsb. Setelah itu, Kim Hyun Joong berusaha untuk keluar dari klub, tetapi pintunya terkunci dan telepon di dalam klub malam hanya memiliki fitur ekstensi.

Kim Hyun Joong mulai cemas, tetapi akhirnya pintu terbuka dan dia melarikan diri. Namun, ketika di luar, dia sadar rambutnya berantakan dan tidak punya uang. Dia mencoba menelepon bebas pulsa kepada teman-temannya, tetapi tidak ada yang mengangkat telepon karena mereka semua tertidur.

Kim Hyun Joong menyatakan, "Karena asramaku berjarak 40km, aku hanya duduk di jalan. Aku seperti pengemis" menyebabkan tawa seluruh studio. Orang di sekelilingnya bercanda dan menyatakan, "Kau flower-beggar," memainkan gelarnya sebagai "flower boy" di "Boys Over Flowers".


SBS’s “Strong Heart” held a “King of Kings” special on the June 21st broadcast. During this recording, SS501’s Kim Hyun Joong confessed an interesting story titled, “Kim Hyun Joong’s incarceration incident.”

Back in 2007, Kim Hyun Joong went to a nightclub with some acquaintances while on vacation in Jeju Island. He revealed, “I was even singing while playing, but when I get drunk, my downfall is that I get really sleepy. I had to use the restroom, so I left briefly to go to the restroom. However, I don’t recall anything that happened after that.”

When he woke up from his sleep, Kim Hyun Joong first checked his text messages. His cell phone was off and when he turned it on, he had over 100 missed calls. After this, he was about to go back to sleep, but he suddenly realized that he couldn’t remember where he was. Because it was dark and he couldn’t see anything in front of him, Kim Hyun Joong thought he might have been kidnapped and told himself to stay calm.

He turned on his cell phone again to try and use the light to see what was in front of him, but after a second, his cell phone turned off again. He put on his shoes and started to touch the items in front of him.

Kim Hyun Joong revealed, “I went back and forth touching the things in the room, but I felt a lot of buttons. When I pressed the buttons, they felt familiar. I thought to myself, ‘Ah, this is the room from last night.” The buttons were from the karaoke machine.

As it turned out, when Kim Hyun Joong came back from the restroom, he accidently went into the wrong karaoke room in the club and fell asleep. His friends thought that Kim Hyun Joong went back to his dorm early, so they left the nightclub. After, Kim Hyun Joong tried to exit the club, but the doors were locked and the phone inside the nightclub only had extension features.

Kim Hyun Joong started to worry a bit more, but he finally got the door to open and escaped. However, when he came outside, he realized that his hair was a mess and he had no money. He tried to make a toll-free call to his friends, but his friends didn’t pick up the phone because they were all asleep.

Kim Hyun Joong stated, “Because my dorm was 40km (around 25 miles) away, I just sat on the street. I was just a beggar” – causing much laughter in the studio. Those around him joked around and stated, “You’re a flower-beggar,” playing on his title as a “flower boy” from “Boys over Flowers“.

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