Kamis, 23 Juni 2011

Kim HyunJoong Fainted in The Toilet

[News] Kim HyunJoong “Ate Spicy JjamBbong and Fainted in The Toilet”
Credits : newsen + (English Translation) xiaochu @ Quainte501.com
indo_trans: http://link4triples.blogspot.com/

Kim HyunJoong "Makan JjamBbong dan pingsan di toilet"

*JjamBbong adalah semacam mie seafood pedas

Kim Hyun Joong berbicara tentang insiden dimana dia makan JjamBbong pedas dan pingsan.

Dalam tayangan terbaru KBS 2TV 'Happy Together 3', Kim Hyun Joong mengawali pembicaraan "Setelah menyelesaikan program musik, dalam keadaan ketegangan sudah hilang, aku pergi ke kedai JjamBbong, yang terkenal akan pedasnya, dan memesan JjamBbong yang paling pedas. "

Dia mengaku "Koki datang sendiri kepadaku dan membujukku (untuk memesan) tapi aku ingin tahu seberapa pedasnya, jadi aku tetap dengan pesanan itu. Sekitar 2 menit makan, aku mulai berkeringat dingin dan setelah 6 menit, perutku sakit dan langsung ke toilet, setelah itu aku pingsan."

Dia menambahkan pengalaman pusing-nya, "Kemudian, aku mendengar dari manajer yang bersamaku kalau aku sedang duduk di toilet dan mataku putih lalu pingsan." Dia mengatakan, kemudian koki tersenyum senang melihat Kim Hyun Joong pingsan di ambulans, membuat semua orang tertawa.


*JjamBbong is a kind of spicy seafood noodle

Kim HyunJoong talked about an incident where he ate spicy JjamBbong and passed out.

In the recent recording of KBS 2TV ‘Happy Together 3’, Kim HyunJoong started his talk “After finishing a music program, in a state where the tension was gone, I went to a JjamBbong shop, famous for its spiciness, and ordered the most spicy JjamBbong.”

He confessed “The chef came to me personally and dissuade me (to order) but I wanted to know how spicy is the spiciness, so I went ahead with the order. About 2 minutes into eating, I started to have cold sweats and after 6 minutes, I had a stomachache and had to go straight to the toilet, afterwhich I passed out.”

He added revealing his dizzy experience, “Later, I heard from the manager who was with me then that I was sitting in the toilet and my eyes were showing the whites and I fainted.” He said that later on, the chef smiled delightfully and watch the fainted Kim HyunJoong in the ambulance, which made everyone laughed.

Broadcast is on 23-Jun at 11.15pm.

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