Rabu, 08 Juni 2011

Kim Hyun Joong tertekan bersolo karir

[News] Kim Hyun Joong talks about the pressures of going solo
Source + Photo: StarNews via Nate
Credit: GONI @ Allkpop
indo_trans: http://link4triples.blogspot.com/

SS501 Kim Hyun Joong baru-baru ini bicara tentang tekanan menjadi artis solo.

Kim Hyun Joong mengadakan konferensi pers di Jang Choong Gymnasium pada 7 Juni tentang perilisan mini album solo terbarunya "Break Down".

Kim Hyun Joong menyatakan di konferensi pers, "Aku ingin menunjukkan sisi maskulin-ku melalui album solo ini", dia melanjutkan, "Kurasa aku tidak 'macho'. Aku ingin menunjukkan sebanyak mungkin transisiku dari pemuda menjadi pria dewasa".

Dia meneruskan, "Ada banyak lagu yang dipersembabhkan bersama SS501, tapi aku merasa kurang sesuatu dalam seni pertunjukkan. Melalui album solo ini, aku percaya akan lebih kuat dalam aspek penampilan. Aku sungguh ingin menunjukkan kematanganku sebagai pria".

Kim Hyun Joong berkecimpung di berbagai bidang termasuk akting, tetapi sudah lama sejak dia tampil di publik dengan sebuah album. Di atas itu, dia merasa banyak tekanan sejak upaya pertamanya membuat album solo terpisah dari SS501.

Kim Hyun Joong mengungkapkan, "Aku banyak tekanan sebelum memulai sebagai artis solo. Aku member keempat grup yang keluar sebagai artis solo, tapi aku sadar tak mudah dengan title SS501 sebagai latar belakangku. Aku sadar butuh usaha yang lebih keras lagi".

Dia melanjutkan, "Aku bekerja keras membuat musik yang lebih baik, keluar dari bayang-bayang SS501", dia menambahkan, "Desain jacket (album), koreografi, dan bahkan anak anjing dalam video kuatur sendiri. Staf yang bekerja sama denganku mengambil dan membentuk ideku dengan sangat baik".

Kim Hyun Joong pindak ke KeyEast, agensi entertainment yang dipimpin oleh Bae Yong Joon.

"Yong Joon menunjukkan padaku banyak klip musik, dan dia juga menawarkan diri memotret untuk jacket album karena dia berbakat dalam fotografi, namun dibatalkan karena perjalananya ke Busan", ungkap Kim Hyun Joong.

Dia melanjutan, "Yong Joon kelihatannya tidak bermimpi menjadi musisi, tapi kurasa dia belajar banyak dalam produksi musik karena dia kepala agensi", dan "Yong Joon memberikut banyak nasehat detil setelah menonton video dance".

Album baru ini dimulai dengan lagu intro "Let Me Go" yang menangkap pendengar dengan suara powerful pipe-organ dan berisi total 6 lagu yang semuanya berbeda, tetapi atraksi powerful.

Lagu ber-title "Break Down" adalah lagu yang dinamis dengan kuningan elekronik powerful dan synthesizers sebagai latar belakang, menciptakan rasa lagu dance south urban. "Break Down" fokus pada menciptakan suasana untuk performance hebat dari Kim Hyun Joong.

Debut album Kim Hyun Joong "Break Down" dirilis secara resmi di Korea bbrp jam lalu pada 8 Juni.

SS501’s Kim Hyun Joong recently talked about some of the pressures of being a solo artist.

Kim Hyun Joong held a press conference at the Jang Choong Gymnasium on June 7th about the release of his new solo mini-album “Break Down“.

Kim Hyun Joong stated at the press conference, ”I wanted to show my masculine side through this solo album“, and he continued, “I don’t think I’m ‘macho’ yet. I wanted to show as much as I could of my transition from a boy into becoming a grown man”.

He went on, “There were many performance songs with SS501 as well, but I feel that we lacked something in showmanship. Through this solo album, I believe I’ve become much stronger in the aspect of performance. I really wanted to show my maturity as a man”.

Kim Hyun Joong has worked in many areas including acting, but it has been a while since he has come to the public with an album. On top of that, he feels much pressure since it’s his first attempt at a solo album away from SS501.

Kim Hyun Joong revealed, “I had a lot of pressure before going on as a solo artist. I’m the fourth member of the group to come out as a solo artist, but I realized that it’s not easy with just the title of SS501 in my background. I realized I need to try even harder”.

He continued, “I worked harder to make better music to move away from the shadow of SS501″, he added to this by saying, “The jacket design, choreography, and even the puppy in the music video was set by me. The staff I worked with took and shaped my ideas very well”.

Kim Hyun Joong recently moved his contract to KeyEast, an entertainment agency lead by Bae Yong Joon.

“Yong Joon showed me many music clips, and he also offered to take pictures for my album jacket as he has a talent in photography but it was canceled due to his trip to Busan”, Kim Hyun Joong stated.

He continued saying, “Yong Joon doesn’t seem to have a dream as a musician, but I think he studies a lot in music production as he is the head of the agency”, and “Yong Joon gave me a lot of detailed advice after watching dance videos”.

The new album kicks off with the intro song “Let Me Go” which captures listeners with a powerful pipe-organ sound and contains a total of 6 songs that all carry different, but powerful attractions.

The title song “Break Down” is a dynamic song with powerful electronic brass and synthesizers in the background, creating the feel of an urban south dance song. “Break Down” is focused on creating the right atmosphere for Kim Hyun Joong’s intense performance.

Kim Hyun Joong’s debut album “Break Down” was released officially in Korea just hours ago, on June 8th.

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