Kamis, 02 Juni 2011

Kim HyunJoong merilis foto jacket album "Break Down"

Kim Hyun-joong telah meris foto jacket untuk album terbarunya, sangat keren...
Berikut foto2nya:

credits: Naver + tweet KeyEast CEO Phil Shin

[News] Kim Hyun Joong releases album jacket photos for “Break Down”

Source + Photos: My Daily
Courtesy of VITALSIGN / AllKPop
indo_trans: http://link4triples.blogspot.com/

Setelah merilis video musik "Please" kemarin, SS501 Kim Hyun Joong melanjutkan dengan merilis foto2 jacket untuk album solo pertamanya, "Break Down"!

Penyanyi/aktor yang dikenal akan tampang halusnya, tapi imej-nya untuk "Please" adalah sangat powerful dan maskulin, membuat fans penasaran seperti apa gaya performance-nya nanti.

Mini album ini terdiri dari 6 track, termasuk intro berjudul "Let Me Go", dan tentu saja, track dance R&B, "Please". Judul lagu "Break Down", juga karya Ken Lewis yang berpengalaman bekerjasama dengan Eminem, Kanye West, dan Usher. Digambarkan memiliki suara bass elektrik dengan synthesizer yang menaikkan dinamika, track bergaya urban house. (Ken Lewis menurut tweet Steven Lee ke AKP melakukan mix engineering [mixing lagu tsb])


After releasing his music video for “Please” yesterday, SS501′s Kim Hyun Joong followed up with some album jacket photos for his first solo album, “Break Down“!

The singer/actor is known for his smooth look, but his image for “Please” is very powerful and masculine, leavings fans in a state of curiosity over what his performance style would be like.

His mini-album contains a total of six tracks, including an intro titled “Let Me Go“, and of course, his R&B dance track,”Please”. The title track, “Break Down”, is also the work of Ken Lewis, who has experience working with Eminem, Kanye West, and Usher. It’s described to have electric brass sounds with a synthesizer that elevates it into a dynamic, urban house-style track. (Ken Lewis according to Steven Lee's tweet to AKP did the mix engineering)

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