Udah tahu dong lagu terbaru Kim Hyun Joong (KHJ). Pastinya chingu udah liat MV KHJ "Please", iya kan? Pernah terpikir tidak kisah di dalam MV tsb? Inilah garis besar cerita di MV "Please", baru ngeh...
Kim Hyun Joong 'Please' MV Storyline
credit: tweetdeck.com/twitter/HYUNtimes/~wONru
indo_trans: http://link4triples.blogspot.com/
Kim Hyun Joong 'Please' MV Storyline
credit: tweetdeck.com/twitter/HYUNtimes/~wONru
indo_trans: http://link4triples.blogspot.com/
[Storyline MV Please] ini tentang seorang pria (KHJ) yang melihat mantan pacarnya masuk ke rumah laki-laki lain. Pria yang melihat dari mobil itu adalah KHJ. Tetapi dia membayangkan pria yang bersama gadis itu adalah dirinya sendiri, dan di sebuah rumah dengan tirai yang ditutup oleh laki-laki itu, dia masih bisa melihat adegan mesra itu. Dia memabayangkan dirinya memcium dan memegang gadis itu saat dia melihat tari bayangan di belakang tirai, ketika dia duduk di mobil, mengenang masa lalu mereka. Saat dia mengenang memori bahagia mereka (berpelukan, menyuapi es krim, bed-scene), juga membawanya ke adegan putusnya mereka, ketika dia melihat gadis itu tidak memakai cincin, dia curiga gadis itu mengkhianatinya. Setelah itu mereka putus. Di lagu tsb, KHJ menyanyi berharap hujan malam kan menghapus kenangan buruk itu, karena dia ingin gadis itu kembali. Dia menyesal melapaskan gadis itu pergi. Sebesar itulah cintanya, walaupun gadis itu berkhianat. Namun dia tahu harapannya sia-sia, sehingga akhirnya dia pergi.
[The Please MV Storyline] It's about a guy (KHJ) seeing his ex-girl going into the house of a diff man. Hence the guy watching from the car is KHJ. But he imagined that the guy with the girl is himself and once inside the house, even with the blinds closed by the guy, he could still see their intimate actions. So he imagined himself kissing her and holding her as he watched the shadows dance behind the curtains, as he sat in the car, reliving their past memories. As he relived their happy memories (hugging, ice-cream feeding, bed-scene), it also brought him to the scene of their break-up, when he saw her not wearing their ring and he suspected she cheated on him. They broke up after that. In the song, KHJ sings that he wished the rain that nite would wash away those dark memories, as he wants her back. He regrets letting her go. That's how much he loves her, even when she cheated on him. But he knows the wish is in vain, so he finally drove away.
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