Minggu, 05 Juni 2011

HyunJoong mengikuti tes dayung

Another spoiler tentang aktivitas HyunJoong saat mempromosikan album terbarunya. Patut dinantikan nich..,

[Article] Kim Hyun Joong Takes Rowing Test for "Infinity Challenge"
Source: Star news
courtesy of jbarky / Soompi
indo_trans: http://link4triples.blogspot.com/

Ada berita tentang Jo In Sung dan keikutsertaannya di proyek dayung spesial dalam MBC "Infinity Challenge", tetapi sekarang kelihatannya Kim Hyun Joong juga bergabung dengan proyek ini!

Kim Hyun Joong baru-baru ini mengikuti tes masuk dalam rangka untuk proyek "Infinity Challenge" spesial. Pada 1 Juni di MBC Dream Center di Ilsan Kim Hyun Joong mengikuti tes masuk dayung. Alasan yang diberikan adalah bahwa Kim Hyun Joong harus pergi ke sana untuk MBC "Golden Fishery" dan dia memutuskan untuk membunuh dua burung dengan sebiah batu.

"Infinity Challenge" dipenuhi peralatan dayung dan Kim Hyun Joong berkeringat saat dia mengikuti tes. Perhatian tertuju pada semua bintang tamu pria yang tampan. Tanggal pasti untuk kompetisi sebenarnya belum ditetapkan. Pada episode sebelumnya 2AM Jin Woon, MBLAQ Lee Joon, Son Ho Young, Park Geun Shik, rapper Defconn semua berpartisipasi dalam tes tsb. Sekarang ini "Infinity Challenge" berencana mengikutsertakan kompetisi dayung.


There was news about Jo In Sung and his joining the special Rowing/Crew project with MBC “Infinity Challenge”, but now it seems like Kim Hyun Joong might also join this project!

Kim Hyun Joong recently took an entrance test in order for a special “Infinity Challenge” project. On June 1st, at MBC’s Dream Center in Ilsan Kim Hyun Joong took a rowing/crew entrance test. The reason given is that Kim Hyun Joong had to go there for MBC’s “Golden Fishery” and he decided to kill two birds with one stone.

“Infinity Challenge” was filled with rowing equipment and Kim Hyun Joong sweated as he took the test. A lot of attention is gathering with all of the handsome male guest stars. The exact date for a real competition is not set yet. On a previous episode 2AM’s Jin Woon, MBLAQ's Lee Joon, Son Ho Young, Park Geun Shik, the rapper Defconn all participated in the test. The “Infinity Challenge” is currently planning to join a Rowing competition.

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