Senin, 20 Juni 2011

[19.06.2011] Pesan Youngsaeng di website-nya

Wuih akhirnya.. Young saeng menulis pesan di web-nya, benar2 tersentuh baca ini

[Trans] YoungSaeng - Greetings to you...^^

Credits : + (English Translation) xiaochu @

Title : Greetings to you...^^

Halo~~ Aku YoungSaeng

Album yang butuh persiapan lama.. kelihatannya berlalu dengan cepat.. kelihatannya ini periode aktivitas yang lama.. Tapi hari ini aku sudah menyelesaikan promo album soloku Let It Go.. Sejujurnya saat sedang mengerjakan album ini.. Aku merasa sangat stres.. Aku merasa gugup..
Ini album pertama yang lahir dengan nama 'Heo YoungSaeng'..
Karena itu, aku banyak perhatian..
Dan lagi, dengan perusahaanku sekarang.. ini adalah album pertamaku dengan mereka..
Aku merasa banyak tekanan..

Kali ini, dengan album ini.. tujuannya adalah memberitahu orang-orang nama 'Heo YoungSaeng'..
Kurasa aku memperoleh lebih banyak cinta.. dari yang kubayangkan.. Aku ingin mengucapkan terimakasih dengan tulus kepada semua orang..

Sampai pada waktu comeback.. tanganku cedera karena kelalaianku..
Aku harus menunda comeback-ku.. Aku tidak bisa menunjukkan performance yang baik, aku minta maaf atas hal itu.. TT TT
Lain kali, aku akan melakukannya dengan kondisi terbaikku!!! Tampail~~ dan menunjukkan imej-ku yang hebat~~^^

Saat sedang siaran program terakhirku di InkiGayo hari ini.. Aku melepaskan perban hari ini..
Tidak apa-apa^^ Karena aku lebih baik.. baik2 saja jadi kalian jangan khawatir sekarang!! ^^
(Tangan sudah sembuh.. tapi ini sudah siaran terakhirku~~kekekekeke)

Walaupun hari ini penampilan terakhirku untuk album Let It Go..
Tapi akan banyak kegiatan di masa depan..
Mohon tunggulah sebentar lagi!!^^
Lain kali saat aku beraktivitas.. Datanglah lebih sering dari kali ini!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!^-^


ah!! satu hal lagi!!!!
Ada yang bilang aku tidak menulis pesan di website resmi...
Siapa yang bilang itu..
Aku Fan Trainer.....................
Kalian akan menjalani pelatihan...^^


Title : Greetings to you...^^

Hello~~ I am YoungSaeng...

Album which took a long time to prepare.. in a way, it seems like it passed fast.. in a way, it seems like it is a long period of activities..
By today, I've finished the activities for my solo album Let It Go..
Initially while working on this album.. I really felt very stressed.. I felt nervous..
It is the first album that will bear the name 'Heo YoungSaeng'..
Because of that, I pay alot of attention on it..
In addition, the company which I belong to now.. is my first album with them..
I felt alot of pressure...

This time, with this album.. the objective is to let people know of the name 'Heo YoungSaeng'..
I think I received more love.. than what I have imagined.. I want to post up a word of thanks sincerely to everyone..

With comeback coming up.. I hurt my hand due to my negligence..
I had to postpone my comeback... and I couldn't show a nice performance, I will apologize for that.. TT TT
Next time, I will do it with my best condition!!! Coming out~~ and show you my great image~~^^

While having my last broadcast program at Inki Gayo today.. I untie the bandage today..
It's alright^^ Because I became alot better.. so it's okay if you don't worry about it now!! ^^
(Hand has recovered.. but it's the last broadcast already~~kekekekeke)

Although it is the last performance for Let It Go album today..
But I will have even more activities in the future..
So please wait for a while more!!^^
Next time when I have my activities... Come even more often than this time!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!^-^


ah!! And one more thing!!!!
Some were saying I didn't write messages in official homepage...
Who said that..
I am Fan Trainer.....................
You would be undergoing training...^^


Original message

YoungSaeng - Greetings to you...^^

인 사드립니다...^^

안녕하세요~~ 영생입니다...

오랜시간동안 준비한 앨범이.. 어떻게 보면 빠르기도.. 어떻게 보면 길게 활동을 한것 같네요..
오늘로써 솔로앨범 Let it go 의 활동을 마쳤어요..
처음 이 앨범을 작업하면서.. 정말 많이 부담도 되고.. 긴장됐었어요..
허영생이라는 이름으로 나오는 첫 앨범인 만큼..
그만 큼 신경도 많이 쓰게 되었구요..
또 지금 제가 몸담고 있는 회사도.. 제가 첫 앨범이었기에..
많이 부담이 됐었어요...
요번에 이 앨범으로.. 허영생이라는 이름을 알리는게 목적이었는데..
생각했던 것보다.. 많은 사랑을 받은것 같아.. 모든분들께 진심으로 감사하다는 말 올립니다..

컴백을 앞두고.. 저의 부주의로 손을 다치게 되어서..
컴 백 시기도 미뤄지고... 또 무대에서 좋은 모습 못 보여드린점 사과드릴게요..ㅠㅠ
다음에는 정말 베스트 컨디션으로!!! 나와서~~ 멋진 모습 보여드릴게요~~^^

오늘 인기가요를 마지막으로 방송하면서.. 오늘은 붕대를 풀어봤는데..
괜 찮더라구요^^ 저 많이 좋아졌으니까.. 이제 걱정 안하셔도 됩니다!! ^^
(손이 멀쩡해지니.. 막방이라네요~~ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ)

비 록 오늘이 Let it go 앨범 활동이 마지막이 되었지만..
앞으로 더 많은 활동 할테니까요..
조금만 더 기다려주시구요!!^^
다음에 활동 할때는... 요번보다 더 많이 오자!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!^-^


아!! 그리고 한가지 더!!!!
공홈에 글 안쓴다고 뭐라 하는데...
나보고 누가 그러더군요..
팬들 조련사라고.....................
당신은 조련 당하고 있는 겁니다...^^

6 komentar:

  1. Hai.. I've saw your blog about SS501 and you did a very great job, giving TripleS , SS501 latest updates.. I just wanna ask, do you mind to join our fanpage on facebook?

  2. thanks for visiting my blog
    i do not mind~

  3. I mean to join as admin.. We create that page bacause wo both love SS501 and TripleS.. so we try to give the best for them.. dou you want to join us?

  4. thank u for inviting me
    I would like to, but I guess I'm not good admin, since I couldn't update everyday
    btw I couldn't find ur page?

  5. Hehe..

    Try this link.. I dunno how to post link here.. >_<

    It'sokay if u can not update eeryday.. Our page is already have 3 admins, we try to give updates as often as we can.. =)

    But you know, we also have our own bussiness, keke..

    Do you have facebook account? Let me add your FB, in case the link to the page is not working again.. *sigh~

  6. Try this one.. to view our page..
