Kamis, 23 Juni 2011

K-pop casts its spell

source: The Jakarta Post | Sun, 06/19/2011 8:00 AM
- JP / Irawaty Wardany

Dalam waktu dua minggu, fans musik pop Korea Selatan (K-pop) mendapat suguhan lain, konser FantastiKpop yang menampilkan kuartet Korea 2AM, penyanyi San E, Joo, grup perempuan Miss A dan Kim Hyung Joon, member boyband SS501.

Fans K-pop - kebanyakan remaja - bersenang-senang, berteriak lagi, terutama setelah penyanyi menyapa mereka dalam bahasa Indonesia, "Selamat malam"

Sorak-sorai menjadi lebih keras ketika penyanyi R & B San E tampil di panggung. "Dia mengundang seorang wanita di antara penonton untuk naik ke panggung dan membiarkan dia menciumnya," kata Annisa, yang menghadiri konser itu.

Direktur eksekutif penyelenggara konser Blackrock Entertainment, Neki Reinarto, mengatakan dia memutuskan menghadirkan bintang pop Korea mengingat meningkatnya popularitas mereka di Indonesia karena budaya pop Korea.

"Kami berharap ini dapat menjadi titik awal untuk memperkenalkan musik Asia, tidak hanya Korea, kepada dunia," katanya.

Band 4 personil 2 AM kurang satu orang pada konser Sabtu itu, karena Jinwoon sedang sibuk mengerjakan proyek solo di Korea Selatan.

Lee Hyun, member boyband 8Eight, yang telah telah diundang, membatalkan penampilannya beberapa hari sebelum konser karena jadwal yang padat dalam mempersiapkan comeback bersama grupnya minggu depan.

"Susunan penampil erubah karena Lee Hyun sedang rekaman album baru. Kami berharap fans mengerti karena situasi di luar kendali kami," kata Neki.

Tidak adanya Jinwoon dan Lee Hyun diimbangi dengan penampilan Kim Hyung Joon - member termuda SS501, yang baru saja merilis album solo pada bulan Maret.

Joo dan 2AM berkata mereka bersemangat bertemu dengan fans Indonesia.

"Aku sangat senang kembali ke Indonesia setelah beberapa waktu," kata Joo, yang pernah tinggal di Indonesia sebelumnya.

Pada hari Jumat, dia bertemu dengan fans yang dipilih oleh Blackrock Entertainment melalui kontes di Twitter, sementara fans dapat bertemu Miss A di Hotel Mulia Senayan, di mana mereka menginap.

2AM, yang mengunjungi Indonesia pada bulan Mei tetapi tidak bertemu fans, mengatakan mereka berharap konser itu mengobati kekecewaan fans, dimana mereka menyanyikan enam lagu

Konser Sabtu itu dimulai oleh Joo, yang menyanyikan empat lagu, diikuti 2 AM, rapper San E dan Kim Hyung Joon, selanjutnya Miss A yang mengakhiri malam itu.

Di konser, penonton Indonesia tidak hanya disuguhi musik Korea, tetapi juga budaya Korea, termasuk masakan dan fashion, beberapa stand luar Senayan Sports Complex, tempat konser digelar.

original source:

In the space of two weeks, fans of South Korean pop music (K-pop) were in for another treat, the FantastiKpop concert featuring Korean quartet 2AM, singers San E, Joo, girl group Miss A and Kim Hyung Joon, a member of boy band SS501.

Korean pop fans — mostly teenagers — were having a good time, screaming for more, especially after performers greeted them in Indonesian, “Selamat malam” (good evening).

The cheers became louder when R&B singer San E. performed on stage. “He invited a woman in the audience onto the stage and allowed her to kiss him,” Annisa, who attended the concert, said.

The executive director of concert organizer Blackrock Entertainment, Neki Reinarto, said he decided to bring in the Korean pop stars given the increasing popularity in Indonesia of Korean pop culture.

“We hope this can be a starting point to introduce Asian music, not only Korean, to the world,” he said.

Four-person band 2AM was one short for Saturday’s concert, as band member Jinwoon was busy working on a solo project in South Korea.

Lee Hyun, a member of boy band 8Eight, who had been billed as perform, canceled his appearance a few days before the concert due to his tight schedule in preparing for his group’s comeback next week.

“The lineup of performers changed because Lee Hyun is recording a new album. We hope fans understand because the situation is beyond our control,” Neki said.

The absence of Jinwoon and Lee Hyun was offset by the performance of Kim Hyung Joon — the youngest member of SS501, who recently released a solo album in March.

Joo and 2AM said they were excited about meeting Indonesian fans.

“I’m so glad to come back to Indonesia after quite some time,” said Joo, who has been in Indonesia before.

On Friday, he met with fans selected by Blackrock Entertainment through a contest on Twitter, while fans will get to meet Miss A at the Hotel Mulia Senayan, where the pop start are staying during their visit.

2AM, which visited Indonesia in May but did not meet fans, said they hoped the concert, where they performed six songs, would make up for their fans’ disappointment.

Saturday’s concert was kicked off by Joo, who sang four songs, followed by 2AM, rapper San E andKim Hyung Joon, with Miss A wrapping up the evening.

At the concert, the Indonesian audience was not only exposed to Korean music, but was also treated to examples of Korean culture, including cuisine and fashion, at several booths outside the Senayan Sports Complex, where the concert was held.

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