Sabtu, 04 Agustus 2012

Kado ultah Kim Hyung Joon

Di hari ulang tahunnya tanggal 3 Agustus, Kim Hyung Joon mendapat berbagai macam kado. Dia meng-upload foto kado2 tsb di akun twitternya disertai tulisan "Oh aku sangat menyukainya~ Terimakasih^^"
Berikut kado2nya:

credit: @HyungJun87


Dan situs berita online enewsworld menulis artikel ttg ultah HyungJun disertai foto2 masa kecilnya, lucu dech^^ Dia imut2 banget~~

[Happy Birthday] Kim Hyung Jun Turns 25

With the release of his mini album Escape last month and plans to tour Japan in the coming weeks, 2012 is proving to be an exciting year for Kim Hyung Jun.

But the singer celebrates another kind of milestone today as Kim Hyung Jun has officially hit the quarter century mark!

Kim Hyung Jun has grown up a lot since his boy band days as a SS501 member, but we wouldn’t mind turning back the clock to when he was quite possibly the cutest kid in the world.

Cue the chorus of squeals and coos.

You′re killing us with the cute, Kim Hyung Jun!

It′s okay, we didn′t actually die.

And finally, what′s a birthday without a buddy (and now millions of fan girls) to celebrate with?

Happy birthday Kim Hyung Jun!

Photo credit: Online community

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