Rabu, 25 Juli 2012

Young Saeng tweets [24.07.2012]

Setelah mengantarkan Kyu Jong ke tempat wamil, malam harinya Young Saeng meng-update akun twitternya. Sepertinya dia berat melepas kepeergian Kyu Jong dan merasa khawatir padanya.

Young Saeng tweets [24.07.2012]
Korean to English Translation by @shirbo21/http:liezle.blogspot.com

Today I sent Kyu Jong to the army. Somehow it touched me.. Come back well!! Don't get hurt and~ learn lots and come out!! Although~ he can't see this tweet right now...ㅠ

I'm the sensitive friend who can't sleep.. This guy is sleeping well? I'm worried without any reason.. I am very nervous even thought I don't seem like it.. We don't have a big age difference.. but you call me hyung (older brother) so I worry a lot.. KK don't know~ Kim Kyu Jong will do well!!! KKKKK

Even though because of schedule reasons, there weren't five people there today..it's been a long time since we shout together "Hello! We are SS 501~~~".. so it was good..^^ Next time, let's gather all five people and do the greeting.. "Until now, we are SS501!! Thank you~"

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