Jumat, 06 Mei 2011

SS501 Heo Young Saeng Hot Favourite on Youtube

[Trans] Heo Young Saeng Won Triple Crown In YouTube Charts... Giving Green Light For Comeback After Injuries From His Hand
Source: Sports Korea
Korean ~ Chinese Trans: PrincessIvy@ 水之蓮生許永生中文網
English Trans: http://cllslam10.blogspot.com
indo_trans: http://link4triples.blogspot.com/
Pls repost with credits

Heo Young Saeng memenangkan Triple Crown di Chart Youtube...
Memberikan lampu hijau untuk comeback setelah cedera tangan

SS501 Heo Young Saeng Hot Favorit di Youtube

Pada tanggal 4 Mei, penayangan pembukaan video teaser dari album solo pertama Heo Young Saeng "LET IT GO" menbuat minat di kalangan penggemar meningkat. Teaser tsb menunjukkan karisma modern Young Saeng dan comeback pada tanggal 12 Mei.

Video teaser setelah penayangan pada 5 Mei, dalam hari yang singkat itu sudah lebih dari 60.000 penonton, bangkit sebagai top most commented vid, top most favorite vid di kalangan penonton, dan no.1 top rated vid. Tidak hanya Jepang, Taiwan, Hong Kong dll, wilayah Asia, bahkan di Ceko, Mesir, Perancis, Arab Saudi dll juga mendapat perhatian luar biasa untuk teaser video tsb.

Heo Young Saeng cedera punggung tangan sebelum albumnya rilis. Dia didiagnosis patah tangan sobek ligamen dan membutuhkan waktu 5 minggu untuk memulihkan diri. Karena ini, perilisan album tertunda yang menimbulkan kekhawatiran di kalangan penggemar. Seorang perwakilan menyatakan bahwa: "Walaupun tangan Heo Young Saeng saat ini masih dalam keadaan tidaknyaman, tapi ia tetap meneruskan dan dalam tahap persiapan untuk comeback."

Lagu utama album solo Heo Young Saeng "LET IT GO" menampilkan Hyunah dari 4minute dan SS501 Kim Kyu Jong juga berpartisipasi dalam lagu lain "Rainy Hearts".


SS501 Heo Young Saeng Hot Favourite on Youtube

On the 4th May, the opening broadcast of Heo Young Saeng's 1st solo album "LET IT GO" teaser video caused the rising interest among fans. The teaser showed the modern charisma of Young Saeng and his comeback on 12 May.

The teaser vid after broadcast on 5th May, within a short day it has already more than 60,000 views, risen up as the top most commented vid, top most favorite vid among viewers and no.1 top rated vid. Not only Japan, Taiwan, Hong Kong etc, Asia areas, even in Czech, Egypt, France, Saudi Arabia etc areas also gain extraordinary attention to the teaser vid.

Heo Young Saeng hurt the back of his hand before the release of his album. He was diagnosed with dorsal fracture ligament rupture and needed 5 weeks time to recuperate. Due to this, the release of his album was delayed causing anxiety among fans. A representative stated that: "Although Heo Young Saeng's hand now is still in a state of inconvenience, but he still go ahead and is in the preparation stage for his comeback."

Heo Young Saeng solo album theme song "LET IT GO" featuring Hyunah of 4Minute and SS501 Kim Kyu Jong also participated in featuring in another song "Rainy Hearts".

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