Source: Daily Sports via Nate
Courtesy of Denouement / AllKPop

SS501 Kim Hyun Joong menyebabkan banyak kegembiraan setelah dia terlihat dalam serangkaian foto yang bocor. SBS’s ‘Running Man’.
Sebuah postingan menyebar di berbagai situs komunitas, dengan judul 'Kim Hyun Joong tampil di 'Running Man'.
Sebuah postingan menyebar di berbagai situs komunitas, dengan judul 'Kim Hyun Joong tampil di 'Running Man'.
Variety show populer SBS mengundang selebriti top nasional melawan cast member dalam penyelesaian misi. Sepertinya Kim Hyun Joong ditetapkan tampil di episode mendatang, dan penggemar tidak sabar melihat idola favorit mereka dalam aksi tsb.
Wajar, setiap foto baru bintang SS501 langsung menarik reaksi tentang bagaimana tampangnya dengan potongan rambut pendek.
Netizen berkomentar, "Sepertinya dia muncul dalam rangka kegiatan solonya", "Meskipun kelihatannya berat badannya bertambah, dia tetap keren", dan "Lihatlah kecantikan seperti patung-unggul".
Tetap nantikan berita terkait Hyun Kim Hyun Joong, saat dia mempersiapkan merilis mini-album pertamanya pada tanggal 8 Juni!
eng_trans:Wajar, setiap foto baru bintang SS501 langsung menarik reaksi tentang bagaimana tampangnya dengan potongan rambut pendek.
Netizen berkomentar, "Sepertinya dia muncul dalam rangka kegiatan solonya", "Meskipun kelihatannya berat badannya bertambah, dia tetap keren", dan "Lihatlah kecantikan seperti patung-unggul".
Tetap nantikan berita terkait Hyun Kim Hyun Joong, saat dia mempersiapkan merilis mini-album pertamanya pada tanggal 8 Juni!
SS501’s Kim Hyun Joong is causing a lot of excitement after he was spotted in a series of leaked photos. SBS’s ‘Running Man’.
A viral post has been going around on various community boards, with the title ‘Kim Hyun Joong is appearing on ‘Running Man’.
The popular variety show from SBS brings on the nation’s top celebrities to face off against cast members in the completion of missions. It looks like Kim Hyun Joong is slotted to appear on a future episode, and fans can’t wait to see their favorite idol in action.
Naturally, any new photo of the SS501 star immediately draws reactions of how hot he looks with his short haircut.
Netizens have been commenting, “Looks like he’s appearing in time with his solo activities”, “Even though it looks like he gained weight, he’s still hot”, and “Look at that superior sculpture-like beauty”.
Stay tuned for more Kim Hyun Joong-related news, as he prepares to release his first mini-album on June 8th!
A viral post has been going around on various community boards, with the title ‘Kim Hyun Joong is appearing on ‘Running Man’.
The popular variety show from SBS brings on the nation’s top celebrities to face off against cast members in the completion of missions. It looks like Kim Hyun Joong is slotted to appear on a future episode, and fans can’t wait to see their favorite idol in action.
Naturally, any new photo of the SS501 star immediately draws reactions of how hot he looks with his short haircut.
Netizens have been commenting, “Looks like he’s appearing in time with his solo activities”, “Even though it looks like he gained weight, he’s still hot”, and “Look at that superior sculpture-like beauty”.
Stay tuned for more Kim Hyun Joong-related news, as he prepares to release his first mini-album on June 8th!
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