Credits : + (English Translation) xiaochu @

Heo Young Saeng yang akan comeback dengan album solo, merilis foto setting video musiknya.
Setelah video teaser album solo Heo Young Saeng 'Let It Go' dirilis lewat Channel Youtube resmi agensinya B2M, dia berhasil mencapai posisi nomor 1 dalam hal jumlah respon terbanyak, paling favorit dan video yang dirate paling tinggi di Asia, dan juga di Perancis, Mesir, Republik Ceko, dll
Menunjukkan popularitas dia seperti sebelumnya, mereka merilis foto-foto lokasi syuting video musik. Video musik 'Let It Go' mengambil setting di Namyangju, dimana biaya produksi hanya set saja lebih dari 100 juta won.
Sementara itu, Heo Young Saeng akan merilis album solo dan video musiknya pada 12 Mei. Dia akan memulai kegiatannya di KBS 2TV Music Bank pada 13 Mei.
Heo YoungSaeng, who will be making his solo comeback, released photos of his music video filming setting.
After Heo YoungSaeng’s solo album ‘Let It Go’ teaser video was released through his agency, B2M’s official YouTube channel, it made it to the number 1 position in the largest number of replies, highest favorite and highest rated video in Asia, and also in France, Egypt, Czech Republic, etc.
Showing his popularity as before, they released the photos of the music video filming venue. The music video ‘Let It Go’ was filmed in a setting at NamYangJu, where the production fee of the set alone cost over 100million won.
Meanwhile, Heo YoungSaeng will release his solo album and music video on 12-May. He will start his activities with KBS 2TV ‘Music Bank’ on 13-May.
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