Buat semua fans HyunJoong bersiaplah untuk hadir di Showcase "Break Down" yang akan diadakan di Jangchung Gymnasium tanggal 7 Juni. Acara ini GRATIS, tapi terbatas untuk 1.600 orang saja.
Berikut info singkatnya:
Tanggal dan waktu: 7 Juni 2011 (selasa), 19:30
Tempat: Jangchung Gymnasium (Jangchung-dong, Jung-gu, Seoul City)
- Jumlah peserta 1.600 orang
- Tempat berdiri
- Periode registrasi 26 Mei 2011 (Kamis), jam 12 siang (waktu Korea) ~ hingga mencapai 1.600 orang
- Prosedur registrasi: kirim form registrasi ke event@hyun-joong.com
- Setelah mencapai 1.600 orang pertama, masing2 e-mail akan dikirim ke pemenang
FORM REGISTRASI (untuk fans Luar Negeri)
(1) Nama:
(2) hyun-joong.com ID:
(3) Kebangsaan:
(4) Nomor paspor:
(5) Nomor Kontak: (No. HP atau yang bisa dihubungi)
(6) e-mail:
KETERANGAN (Penting!!!!)
- Semua yang tergabung dalam Henecia 2011 bisa mendaftar
- Satu orang hanya mendaftar untuk satu tiket
- Isilah form registrasi dengan benar
- Jika ada e-mail ganda, yang terakhir diterima akan jadi standar pemilihan
- Tidak menerima mobil rombongan, datanglah sendirian
- Demi kelancaran DILARANG mengambil gambar, video dan merekam
- Tidak diperkenankan membawa poster dan spanduk
- Ada pertanyaan, hubungi henecia@hyun-joong.com
Dan INFO LENGKAPnya sbb:
[HENECIA] We invite Henecia to Kim Hyun-joong's 'BREAK DOWN' SHOWCASE
source: hyun-joong.com
Greetings From staff of henecia
Before Kim Hyun-joong's full-scale solo album activity starts he will host the 1st MINI ALBUM [BREAK DOWN] SHOWCASE at the Jangchung Gymnasium on June 7th, 2011 (Tuesday).
This showcase is scheduled to be free of charge, if you would like to participate please send an application based on the procedure below. Individuals that have won, based on the order of arrival, will receive a detailed individual mail that includes the schedule and further instructions.
We hope many [2011 Henecia] will participate.
This showcase is scheduled to be free of charge, if you would like to participate please send an application based on the procedure below. Individuals that have won, based on the order of arrival, will receive a detailed individual mail that includes the schedule and further instructions.
We hope many [2011 Henecia] will participate.
Thank you.
[Showcase Outline]
Date and Time : June 7th, 2011 (Tuesday), 7:30 PM ~
Location : Jangchung Gymnasium (Jangchung-dong, Jung-gu, Seoul City)
- Seat : Standing type
- Registration period : May 26th, 2011 (Thursday), 12:00 PM (noon) (Korea standard time) ~ to the first 1,600 arrivals
- Registration procedure : send the registration form to event@hyun-joong.com
- Participant announcement : After the deadline of the first 1,600 arrivals, individual mail will be sent out to the winners
(2) hyun-joong.com ID :
(3) Contact number (mobile phone and contactable number) :
(4) e-mail :
(2) hyun-joong.com ID :
(3) Nationality :
(4) Passport number :
(5) Contact number (mobile phone and contactable number) :
(6) e-mail :

- One person can apply for one ticket, based on the order of arrival within the registration period.
- Please fill out all information in the Registration Form accurately.
- If there is duplication mail, the last received mail will be the standard of selection.
- This showcase does not accept chartered vehicles from all areas, please attend individually.
- For a smooth progress of the showcase and due to portrait rights, taking pictures, videos, recording, tape-recording is prohibited, thank you for your cooperation.
- Banners and placards can disturb others, so please refrain from bringing them.
- Please send any question regarding the showcase to henecia@hyun-joong.com
From staff of henecia
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