Source: Nate
Korean ~ Chinese Trans: hyunsaengchina
English Trans:
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4 Mei 2011, 11:03 (KST) teaser "LET IT GO" (Feat. HyunAh dari 4minute) akhirnya rilis.
Pagi hari 4 Mei, penantian panjang fans seperti oasis di padang pasir, akhirnya bisa melihat teaser pembukaan dari album mini ini. Heo Young Saeng mengenakan setelan rapi dengan kacamata hitam, teaser yang mengambil perbedaan kuat dalam warna intens hitam dan putih dan abu-abu, menambah kemutakhiran Young Saeng.
Aslinya perilisan album Young Saeng pada 28 April ditunda, karena cedera mendadak di punggung tangannya saat berlatih dance. Dengan demikian penundaan rilis albumnya sampai 12 Mei.
HyunAh dari 4minute berpartisipasi dalam lagu Hit "LET IT GO", sesama member SS501 Kim Kyu Jong juga berpartisipasi di lain lagu "RAINY HEARTS".
Dengan penayangan teaser ini, membuat semua fans Heo Young Saeng lebih bersemangat dalam rilis albumnya.
4th May 2011, 11:03AM (KST) "LET IT GO" (Feat. HyunAh of 4Minute) teaser is finally released.
On the 4th morning , long awaited fans like the oasis in the desert, finally get to see the opening teaser from the mini album. Heo Young Saeng dressed in a neat suit wearing sunglasses, the teaser which adopt the strong contrast in black and white and gray intense colors, giving Young Saeng the added sophistication.
Initial released of Young Saeng's album on 28th Apr was delayed, due to his sudden injuries on the back of his hand while rehearsing for his dance. Thus the postponement of his album release to 12 May.
HyunAh from 4Minute participated in the Hit song "LET IT GO", fellow SS501 member Kim Kyu Jong also participated in another song "RAINY HEARTS".
With this teaser broadcast, making all Heo Young Saeng's fans all the more eager for the release of his album.
On the 4th morning , long awaited fans like the oasis in the desert, finally get to see the opening teaser from the mini album. Heo Young Saeng dressed in a neat suit wearing sunglasses, the teaser which adopt the strong contrast in black and white and gray intense colors, giving Young Saeng the added sophistication.
Initial released of Young Saeng's album on 28th Apr was delayed, due to his sudden injuries on the back of his hand while rehearsing for his dance. Thus the postponement of his album release to 12 May.
HyunAh from 4Minute participated in the Hit song "LET IT GO", fellow SS501 member Kim Kyu Jong also participated in another song "RAINY HEARTS".
With this teaser broadcast, making all Heo Young Saeng's fans all the more eager for the release of his album.
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